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Thought Tweet #507

by Rick Baker
On Jun 26, 2012

Thought Tweet #507 Every leader wants to build something of value...with individuality & personality.

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Personal strengths are at the root of leadership. And personal strengths display themselves in physical form and legacy.


Leaders' Thoughts | STRENGTHS: People-Focused for Success | Thought Tweets

Take The Time-Out To Think...

by Rick Baker
On May 24, 2012

Take the time out to think...

Apparently, Julius Caesar said, "Under my tent in the fiercest struggle of war I have always found time to think of many other things."

This, to me, is an example of successful people have more time

Now, you can interpret that Julius Caesar quote many ways - as examples:

  • He had a unique ability to select topics for his thoughts even under the most-difficult situations.
  • He found a way to shut out undesirable noise and distraction so he could think about things important to him.
  • He excelled at selecting leaders of men and delegating the actions of war.
  • He was a very confident fellow.
Probably, all of the above are true.
Some people are naturally gifted with an ability to concentrate under difficult situations. Those who do not possess this natural ability can develop it. It is true - most people will not be able to develop concentration and thought-power to the level attributed to Julius Caesar. Then again - business people don't have to lead Roman armies. 
Business people can develop the ability to concentrate on important things even while fires are being fought around them. Today, more than ever, this is a necessary skill to develop.
Four of the keys to this skill are:
  • getting present
  • using simple tools
  • practicing
  • conditioning via baby steps

Thought Tweet #473

by Rick Baker
On May 9, 2012

Thought Tweet #473 Two human abilities rise above all others: intelligence and self-control. 


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Every human being possesses intelligence and self-control at birth. To a certain degree, and the degree varies from person to person, we develop these two abilities over time. The amount of intelligence and self-control we develop determines the extent we are able to express our strengths


Beyond Business | STRENGTHS: People-Focused for Success | Thought Tweets

Thought Tweet #470

by Rick Baker
On May 4, 2012

Thought Tweet #470 Often, people don't do stuff because they don't know How.


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Often, it can be that straightforward. People simply do not know How. Perhaps, they have been told and shown...but the still don't know How. Perhaps, they have read the manual but they don't know How. There could be any number of reasons. The really important thing is - they don't know How. When people don't know How a display of emotion is the last thing they need.

Thought Tweet #456

by Rick Baker
On Apr 16, 2012

Thought Tweet #456 Intrinsic Goals feel right...they inspire & they energize.


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Intrinsic Goals envision life purpose, mastery of task, and self-actualization. Naturally, intrinsic goals align with talents and Strengths. And, in contrast to extrinsic goals, intrinsic goals tend to broaden rather than restrict experiences. 

Thought Tweet #432

by Rick Baker
On Mar 13, 2012

Thought Tweet #432 Sales mastery involves a clear & narrow focusing of Personal-Strength Energy.


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

About Focusing on Personal Strengths

About Personal Energy

About Keeping Your Personal Energy Dry



Sales | STRENGTHS: People-Focused for Success | Thought Tweets

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