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P=2S+O© - #3

by Rick Baker
On Nov 10, 2009

For every Problem, there are at least 2 Solutions and there may also be some hidden Opportunities.

Link to P=2S+O worksheet/template.
[click to download]

In the first blog of this series I mentioned realists should call problems Problems. That is, we will do better if we don’t mince words or try to pretty up words in an effort to make sure other folks see us as optimists or positive-thinkers.

Clarity is important.

I ended the last blog saying, “We encourage our people to seek out Problems”.


There are many reasons why we say and do these things:

  • Communication improves when words are straightforward and simple
  • Problems are catalysts for business Change
  • Change brings progress
  • Solution-orientation is the best direction
  • Simple tools improve both communication and results
  • Every Problem does have many Solutions...so, thinking of 2 isn’t that tough a challenge
  • Opportunities do ‘ride on the wings of adversity’...not all the time, but sometimes

The better question is, Why Not!

  • Why Not force ourselves to spend quality time with Problems!
  • Why Not force ourselves to come up with multiple Solutions for our Problems!
  • Why Not force ourselves to think about Opportunities every time we think about Problems!
  • Why Not force ourselves to write all this down simply and clearly on one page!
  • Why Not share these pages with our co-workers!
  • Why Not show our bosses Solutions...regularly!
  • Why Not show our bosses Opportunities...from time to time!
P=2S+Oisn’t just a work guide and a communication tool,

P=2S+O is a piece of business philosophy.

P=2S+O is about thinking...thinking aimed at success.

More on this in the next blog...


1-Page Tools | Solutions & Opportunities

P=2S+O© - #2

by Rick Baker
On Nov 5, 2009

For every Problem, there are at least 2 Solutions and there may also be some hidden Opportunities.

As promised in the last blog, here is a link to the P=2S+O worksheet/template. [click to download]

The worksheet is easy enough to use.

I kept it to one page.

At one page, people should be more inclined to use it. At one page, it can fit into a binder. Several copies can be printed in advance and completed later as Problems arise throughout the day.

I would like to thank the author Dan Kennedy - NO B.S. Ruthless Management of People & Profits, 2008, Figure 37.1, Problem-Solution Communication Template – for the idea of using a straightforward one-page format for communicating Problem-Solutions.

Here is a link to Dan Kennedy

Bosses think things like, ‘Don’t bring me problems, bring me solutions’.

Dan Kennedy provided an easy way to do that.

When I read Dan’s book, his template jumped out as a great fit with our P=2S+O philosophy. I adapted Dan’s template.

So, now we have a P=2S+O worksheet/template.

We encourage our people to use the template.

We go beyond saying, “Don’t bring me Problems, bring me Solutions”.

We say, “Bring me Problems and bring me Solutions, and, from time to time, bring me Opportunities”.

We encourage our people to seek out Problems.

More on this in the next blog...


Change: Creating Positive Change | Solutions & Opportunities

P=2S+O© - #1

by Rick Baker
On Nov 3, 2009

Some time ago, I made up the math formula P=2S+O.

It means, for every Problem there are always Solutions and there are often hidden Opportunities.

P=2S+O is a philosophical statement.

P=2S+O is a positive-thinking tool.

P=2S+O is a problem-solving tool.

In a series of a few blogs, I will explain things from the philosophy behind P=2S+O to the practical value it provides for problem-solving.

Perhaps the best starting point is “P”.

P = Problem

“You can’t start a formula with Problems. That’s pessimistic. You must start with Solutions or Opportunities!”

“You can not call problems Problems. You need to come up with a less-negative description.”

I’ve heard that.

I have disagreed.

Problems are Problems.

We do not need to make it prettier or any more complicated or any more palatable than that.

This ‘let’s just call problems Problems’ approach ties in with two other pieces of philosophy I embrace:

  • Seek Simple [when things are straightforward, keep them that way]
  • Seek Obvious [more on this later, or Google ‘Obvious Adams’ if you can not wait]
So, the formula starts with P... for Problem.

For every Problem there are at least 2 Solutions and there may be hidden Opportunities.

Bosses tend to buy into this.

Bosses have said things like, “Don’t bring me problems - show me solutions.”

And, that’s the main reason the formula P=2S+O was created. It was designed to help business people convert Problems into Solutions. Later, a ‘worksheet/template’ – a hands-on tool – was developed to help people.

At the next blog, I will provide the worksheet/template and more discussion of – Why use P=2S+O?

Also, I will explain why spending time thinking about Problems is not the work of a pessimist…it is the work of a realist.


Solutions & Opportunities

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