“My Business©” is a one-page document that contains a concise, deeply-thought-out description of your business philosophy and how you see yourself as a business person.
Please follow the template below in completing the one-page document.
My Business Vision:
- How do I want to be remembered?
- When my career is over, what do I want business people to say about me?
My Business Mission and Near-Term Goal:
- What quantitative things do I want to do in the long and short term?
- What are my SMART Goals (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-bounded Goals) for the next 3-5 years?
My Unique Employee Proposition:
- In one sentence, answer the question: Why would anyone want to hire me, work with me, or work for me?
- Stated another way: What do I bring to the business table that sets me apart from all the others?
What Impresses Me in Business:
- What “business values” do I admire and try to learn and live by?
- What “value system” am I using to judge other business people?