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Leaders: Make sure your confidence does not threaten your followers.

by Rick Baker
On Dec 4, 2021

Some followers are intimidated by Leader's self-confidence. Here are some Spirited suggestions, to make sure you do not come across that way: 

  • Be authentic…it is OK to be on the reserved side of centre if that is your character…it is OK to be on the boisterous side if that is your character
  • Be committed to working on self-improvement…i.e., raising his or her own self-confidence when that is required, as it will be from time to time
  • Focus on strengths: personal strengths and the strengths possessed by others
  • As Dale Carnegie taught, "Praise heartily"
  • Make full and appropriate use of humour…some leaders have just a little of it and will need to remind themselves of the importance of putting it to good use…other leaders have heavy doses of it and they will need to remind themselves to never let it go too far…self-humour is best…humour at the expense of others is an absolute no-no
  • Listen…resurrect that art if it has become lost
  • Master your emotions…and keep them under control [most of the time]
  • Live with Integrity…as defined here

People think 600-700 words per minute. People talk 100-200 words per minute. Most people listen...maybe 1 or 2.

by Rick Baker
On Jun 7, 2021

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Listening - a little bit goes a long way. Just imagine what could be accomplished by a lot of listening.   


Communication: Improving Communication | Humour | Thought Tweets

5 reasons to listen: (1) to understand, (2) to act, (3) to respond, (4) because it's your job, & (5) because you like people.

by Rick Baker
On Jun 4, 2021

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Most people listen poorly.

It's reciprocal: people don't listen to them so they return the disfavour.

Then there's this pent up ego, demanding you express your thoughts rather than listen to other people's thoughts.


If we don't relearn how to listen evolution is going to adapt our ears into oblivion.

[One drawback of civilization: people who don't listen no longer get eaten by predators.]


Communication: Improving Communication | Humour | Thought Tweets

If you want to teach someone, first find out what they believe they already know.

by Rick Baker
On Jun 2, 2021

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Far too often, we jump into teaching.

Far too often, we assume others do not know what we know. 

Far too often, we conclude others are doing things poorly or incorrectly because they don't know what we know.

More often than not, we waste time and 'make work' when we assume and conclude others don't know what we know.

We can remedy this by asking simple questions before we give instructions and lessons.


Never Give Up..You owe it to yourself...You owe it to your family...You owe it to Life.

by Rick Baker
On May 28, 2021

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Of course, Sir Winston Churchill comes to mind, “Never give in. Never give in. Never, never, never, never—in nothing, great or small, large or petty—never give in, except to convictions of honour and good sense. Never yield to force. Never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.” 

Churchill, singularly, inspired a nation.

But, there's more to it...

Churchill inspired himself. 

[...in support of inspiration and daily affirmations]

The joys of job seeking & hiring: people connecting & maximizing the achievement of common goals.

by Rick Baker
On May 23, 2021

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

It isn't about the amount of formal education.

It isn't about the number of years of prior-employment experience.

It is about agreeing on exchange of value.

And...it does not have to be a painful process.


Copyright © 2012. W.F.C (Rick) Baker. All Rights Reserved.