by Rick Baker
On Nov 10, 2020
Talking About Influencing Powerful People - here's another Dirk Schlimm quote:
“What makes these geniuses so powerful is not ground-level expertise or vision. It is the fact that they have both; they are equally capable of and comfortable with micromanaging and dreaming up a large-scale, big-picture vision.”
by Rick Baker
On Apr 16, 2020
The Thinking Behind The Tweet
To succeed for any extended period, an entrepreneur must have a balanced ego. When an entrepreneur's ego gets out of control, sooner or later, problems begin to arrive in waves. Like water on rough stones, repeated waves of problems take the cutting edge off of an entrepreneur's ego...offering the entrepreneur the opportunity to become a business leader.
by Rick Baker
On Feb 24, 2019
For a month now, I have been writing short thought posts sharing quotes from Dirk Schlimm, who will be CFFB's special guest and keynote speaker on April 26th.
This week's quote from Dirk's book:
“And the fact is that powerful people are often desirous and capable of a large spectrum of contribution; they are not just a “genius”, but a genius universalis.”
So, the powerful people Dirk is talking about are universal geniuses...geniuses with broad and deep capabilities.
Over the years, I have written about such people. Here are a couple of examples, which shed light on the value we will obtain when we understand the wisdom Dirk will share with us on April 26th:
- When we see these gifted entrepreneurs/powerful people in action, we have choices on how we interact with them. For example, we can accept their unique strengths and choose to help them. Or, we can criticize their shortcomings and choose to undermine their efforts and even fight them. I favour understanding powerful people's strengths and complementing their strengths with our strengths. To accomplish this, we must control the 'littlenesses in our natures'. Here's a thought post with more details - 'Controlling the common littlenesses of human nature'.
As we spend time thinking about how we can achieve our goals while working with powerful people, we find ourselves drawn into the territory of heroes.
Now, that is energized territory!