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Good things come in little packages: that's the key to excellent work-process success.

by Rick Baker
On Jun 24, 2021

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Dr. Richard Carlson taught - "Don't sweat the small stuff".

That's good advice as long as it confined within the following context: (1) do small stuff and do it well & (2) don't feel distressed while you are doing it. There's nothing wrong with sweating while working out the body....although perspiration is a more-delicate word for that body exhaust. When the body works hard it vents exhaust. When the mind works hard it also vents exhaust. This is particularly so when the mind is undisciplined. When we break work into small pieces - tasks - we reduce the amount of that exhaust. And, of more importance, we increase the opportunities to receive [mental, self-generated] rewards for jobs well done.

Don't let yourself get so busy you let Situations catch you unprepared...anticipate Situations, plan ahead.

by Rick Baker
On Jun 1, 2021

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

So many people think they are 'too busy' when the reality is they are 'too unprepared'. They live a business life consumed by a repeated series of fire-fights. Many of the fire-fights are directly linked to specific individuals' behaviour. And, habits being what they are, to a very large degree, behaviour is predictable. Think of a probable Situation. Think of who will be in the Situation. Think of how the people in the Situation will act. Plan your best Actions before the fires start. 

Inspire business people by letting them know that you know what they do when they are at work.

by Rick Baker
On May 30, 2021

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

If you believe people know what you do when you are at work then check again...you may be quite surprised to find others have a very fuzzy impression of your work. Or, they may know almost nothing about your work.

You do not have to emulate them...you can stand out...you can ask them and learn what they do...then you can know what they do...and they will appreciate you for it. 





Few situations provide opportunities to do big things; all situations provide opportunities to do small things.

by Rick Baker
On May 29, 2021

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

All situations offer, at least, small learning experiences.

All situations provide the opportunity for self-discovery and building self-confidence.



Business Contains Only 3 Things | Thought Tweets | Values: Personal Values

Other people prefer it when you are present-minded rather than absent-minded.

by Rick Baker
On May 16, 2021

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

'Getting present' is a Focus exercise...a mind-process of narrowing and fixing attention. 

'Staying present' is a Concentration exercise...a mind-process of holding attention.

These two mind-processes, focusing and concentrating, involve different areas of the brain and they require the development of different skill setsFor me, and it may be different for you, focusing is an exercise of thought discipline. It requires thought discipline to cause attention to dwell on the single isolated situation or topic, ignoring everything else. This discipline can be very challenging. Similarly, concentration can be challenging when tasks are tedious or uninteresting. On the other hand, most people find concentration becomes easier when the topic or situation is one they are very interested in or excited about. 

When we to want to win at all costs, our perspectives become quite blind to the realities of situations.

by Rick Baker
On May 15, 2021

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Some people cannot adjust their thinking to fit the realities of the situations at hand.

Some people cannot even begin to untie their emotions, so they can use logic to think about the real facts they face in situations.

Perhaps, the problem is, their Ego must cry out for help regardless of the situation they face?  



Copyright © 2012. W.F.C (Rick) Baker. All Rights Reserved.