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We benefit when someone or something makes us do what we can.

by Rick Baker
On Jun 15, 2021

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Even the great Ralph Waldo Emerson needed that sort of help. Emerson said, "What I most need is somebody to make me do what I can." 

People Only Do 3 Things: Good HabitsBad Habits, & New Things

When we want to develop better habits we need an injection of accountability; we benefit when someone or something makes us do what we can.

Hope is a waking dream much craved by people. This explains why people rally around leaders with vivid vision.

by Rick Baker
On Apr 8, 2021

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Aristotle said, "Hope is a waking dream."

People want hope; people follow dreams.


Dreams of a better future light the path to that better future.

by Rick Baker
On Mar 21, 2021

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

"Past and future are dreams; now is a reality. All things are now; all power, all possibility, all action, is now."

British author/philosopher James Allen said that in 1903. It seems to me Allen's advice is a key to what most people refer to as 'time management'. I mean, if people pay more attention to the present and less attention to agonizing over the past and worrying about the future then they will feel less stressed...and they will feel like they have more time.

On the other hand, we should not be too harsh on dreamsonly dreams of a better future generate that future. As 2 examples, Marconi proved this...so did Martin Luther King Jr.

Maybe it isn't more blessed to give than to receive - consider the Ben Franklin Effect.

by Rick Baker
On Mar 19, 2021

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Ben Franklin found people, even people who clearly disliked him, responded positively when he asked them for a favour. As one example, back in the day - almost 300 years ago, books were very rare in New England. Benjamin Franklin asked a political opponent [who had publicly criticized Ben] to lend him one of his prized books. The person loaned the book to Franklin, who read it quickly and thoroughly then returned it. After this experience, the opponent softened his attitude toward Franklin.

These Ben Franklin experiences led to what is now known as the Ben Frankin Effect

Self-knowledge is an essential ingredient of success...it's the 1st ingredient. Spend some time on that. You're worth the effort.

by Rick Baker
On Mar 3, 2021

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

People who have a thorough understanding of themselves do better as business leaders. They understand their strengths and weaknesses; they understand their desires and goals, they understand their internal drivers and their behaviour; they understand their attitude toward and their reactions to situations and other people. 

And, according to Wikipedia...

The Ancient Greek aphorism "Know thyself" (Greekγνῶθι σεαυτόν, transliterated: gnōthi seauton; also ... σαυτόν ... sauton with the ε contracted), is one of the Delphic maxims and was inscribed in the pronaos (forecourt) of the Temple of Apollo at Delphi according to the Greek periegetic (travelogue) writer Pausanias(10.24.1).[1]

The maxim, or aphorism, "know thyself" has had a variety of meanings attributed to it in literature. The Suda, a 10th-century encyclopedia of Greek knowledge, says: "the proverb is applied to those whose boasts exceed what they are,"[2] and that "know thyself" is a warning to pay no attention to the opinion of the multitude.[3]

In Latin, the aphorism is generally given as nosce te ipsum[4] or temet nosce.[5]


Thought Tweets | Wisdom: Surviving the Test of Time

So you have a mind like a steel trap do you…then you will know intelligent life forms choose to avoid traps.

by Rick Baker
On Jan 13, 2021

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Illustrations of mental prowess can put people off....especially when performed by braggarts and wiseacres.

Copyright © 2012. W.F.C (Rick) Baker. All Rights Reserved.