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Perception is reality...and perceptions change over time, taking reality with them.

by Rick Baker
On Jun 21, 2021

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Perceptions are fragile things.

Our perceptions are partial, filtered, skewed...

Even some of our most-vivid and most-believed memories are proven wrong.



Brain: about the Human Brain | Thought Tweets

Yes, it can be difficult...that's why it's called work.

by Rick Baker
On Jun 16, 2021

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

But, Difficult should not mean Unpleasant.

Physically-difficult work burns up energy in muscles, etc. It strengthens the muscles...that's a good thing...unless you're lazy, in which case physically-difficult work would be annoying.

Cognitively-difficult work burns up energy in neurons and other places. It strengthens neuronal connections...that's a good thing...unless you're lazy...then work, again, would become annoying.

About being annoyed or stressed out, etc: the cause behind negative feelings is not work. So, let's not place the blame on work when, in fact, there is another culprit.

Other people prefer it when you are present-minded rather than absent-minded.

by Rick Baker
On May 16, 2021

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

'Getting present' is a Focus exercise...a mind-process of narrowing and fixing attention. 

'Staying present' is a Concentration exercise...a mind-process of holding attention.

These two mind-processes, focusing and concentrating, involve different areas of the brain and they require the development of different skill setsFor me, and it may be different for you, focusing is an exercise of thought discipline. It requires thought discipline to cause attention to dwell on the single isolated situation or topic, ignoring everything else. This discipline can be very challenging. Similarly, concentration can be challenging when tasks are tedious or uninteresting. On the other hand, most people find concentration becomes easier when the topic or situation is one they are very interested in or excited about. 

Inspiration is the music of creative intelligence.

by Rick Baker
On May 14, 2021

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Our gift of creative intelligence must be there to inspire ourselves and others.

Our intuition is a special gift, with deep roots in our unconscious brains [lizard brains].

Our ability to inspire is linked to our creative intelligence and intuition - a wonderful aspect of our 'human condition'.



Brain: about the Human Brain | Influencing | INSPIRE PEOPLE - GROW PROFITS! | Thought Tweets

When troubles consume your thoughts, remember "Your tooth will cease aching if your house is afire..."

by Rick Baker
On Feb 27, 2021

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

"Your tooth will cease aching if your house is afire..." Frank Channing Haddock made that point in his 1910 classic, 'Power of Will'. 

Long before the medical sciences confirmed the concepts of neuroplasticity, people knew the awesome power & virtually unlimited possibilities available to the human mind. 

If emergencies can remove the pain of toothaches then properly trained minds can do the same thing.

Our minds have the ability to remove the 'negative feelings and thoughts' we encounter during day-to-day life.

You know you need to take small side-steps to get out of a Bad-Habit ruts.

by Rick Baker
On Feb 5, 2021

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Habits exist in loops of brain circuitry.

[Or, at least, that's a description that allows us to understand and address Habits.]

With each repetition, a Habit becomes more ingrained...the Habit groove or rut becomes deeper and deeper. While it may seem this applies more to Bad Habits than to Good Habits, we must not underestimate the force of the good. We must understand the grooves and ruts of several Habits are 'overlapped' and 'intertwined'. Good Habits support one another in positive grooves. Bad Habits support one another in negative ruts.

To escape a Bad-Habit rut we must focus our attention and interest on making a single, small side-step. That's the way to get out of a Bad Habit rut.

Copyright © 2012. W.F.C (Rick) Baker. All Rights Reserved.