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Plan for the particular and the peculiar...because that's what you are...and so is your perspective.

by Rick Baker
On Jul 31, 2021

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Particular, peculiar, distinctive, & unique: in the English language the meaning of these words overlap. Of these 4 words, we should give 'peculiar' its fair share of consideration.  While many people will struggle with defining themselves as 'peculiar', others will barely hesitate to do it...I mean, to other people...of course.


Beyond Business | Definitions - Spirited Words Defined | Humour | Thought Tweets

You cannot be worried, be angry, be frustrated and make money.

by Rick Baker
On Feb 25, 2021

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

You can be habitually worried, angry, and frustrated...many people prove that.

But, how many successful people have you met who make habits of worry, anger, and frustration?


Worry, when held in controlled quantity, can motivate.

Anger has the ability to generate action...mostly destructive, but occasionally productive.

Frustration: the worst of the three; unproductive, inactive, unhealthy.


If you look into a mirror and see a worried, angry, frustrated face, you are peering into the eyes of a person who will never be wealthy. 

...on the other hand, you just may find that face smiles at you, laughs, gets into a better mood, and accomplishes something constructive.

Here's a definition of Mediocrity: living in bad-habit shadows.

by Rick Baker
On Dec 23, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Bad Habits follow us like shadows. Bad Habits make us mediocre. We can replace Bad Habits with Good Habits...it's a matter of choice...and commitment & self-discipline...and it's a matter of trying New Things.

Do you see the light?

Willpower is the human body's most energy-intensive process.

by Rick Baker
On Dec 10, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

The brain accounts for 20% of the body's energy use. And, nothing consumes more brain energy that the exercising of willpower.

Willpower: that's when the brain, through conscious thought, forces/guides the body to behave in ways that lead toward [are consistent with] long-term goals.

IoT: an unlimited supply of hands holding utensils ready, waiting and able to feed product and service development.

by Rick Baker
On Oct 29, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

The Internet of Things [IoT]: Are your products and services hungry for improvement?



Definitions - Spirited Words Defined | IT & TECH | Thought Tweets

Persistence is Self-Discipline in Thought then Action then Thought then Action then Thought then Action...

by Rick Baker
On Oct 9, 2020

The Thinking Behind the Tweet

Brian Tracy said, "Persistence is self-discipline in action."

I believe desired Actions are always preceded by desired Thoughts.

In order to achieve Goals we must first discipline our Thoughts then those disciplined Thoughts will govern our Actions.

The habit of self-discipline is an essential ingredient of success.


Copyright © 2012. W.F.C (Rick) Baker. All Rights Reserved.