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Only a silly person would waste time talking about not having enough time.

by Rick Baker
On Jun 27, 2021

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

I mean - you wouldn't throw away perfectly good food while complaining about being hungry...would you?

The time right in front of you is perfectly good time. 


I'm too busy! - I don't have time! | Thought Tweets

Organized people get work done; disorganized people get work repeated.

by Rick Baker
On Jun 23, 2021

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Disorganization = more errors = more fixing of errors = repeated work.

And, of course, disorganization consumes time and generates stresses and anxieties.

Have you noticed - Disorganized people are the ones who complain most about being overworked!

We all have the same amount of time...we know the past is gone...we know we have the present...we only hope we have the future.

by Rick Baker
On Jun 9, 2021

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Time is our most-precious commodity.

We cannot afford to waste any of it complaining about not having enough of it.  

Only a silly person would waste time complaining about not having enough time.


Attitude: Creating Positive Attitude | I'm too busy! - I don't have time! | Thought Tweets

Don't let yourself get so busy you let Situations catch you unprepared...anticipate Situations, plan ahead.

by Rick Baker
On Jun 1, 2021

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

So many people think they are 'too busy' when the reality is they are 'too unprepared'. They live a business life consumed by a repeated series of fire-fights. Many of the fire-fights are directly linked to specific individuals' behaviour. And, habits being what they are, to a very large degree, behaviour is predictable. Think of a probable Situation. Think of who will be in the Situation. Think of how the people in the Situation will act. Plan your best Actions before the fires start. 

"Get a Life". Reality TV has added a whole new dimension to that old admonition.

by Rick Baker
On Apr 28, 2021

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

It's now incredibly easy to 'get a life'. Our TV remotes provide us a full range of lives...numerous reality choices with many variations on how to annoy other people - annoying co-workers, annoying family members, annoying aspiring singers & aspiring dancers & aspiring entrepreneurs...annoying all types of people in all types of real-life situations...all available at the flick of a switch.


Do you spend more time (A) annoying other people or (B) watching people you don't know annoying other people you don't know on TV?

And, for those who are not avid practitioners in the art of annoying others...

Do you spend more time (A) solving your own problems or (B) watching other people struggle with their problems on TV?


Beyond Business | I'm too busy! - I don't have time! | Thought Tweets

How is it people who are 'too busy' find time to share their problems with others & watch all that Reality TV?

by Rick Baker
On Apr 25, 2021

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

When 2 pet peeves collide...

(1) People ain't too busy - they just brainwash themselves that way.

(2) Reality TV just ain't - at least it ain't the sort of reality that creates value.


I'm too busy! - I don't have time! | Thought Tweets

Copyright © 2012. W.F.C (Rick) Baker. All Rights Reserved.