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Have you ever asked your customers what they would like you to measure?

by Rick Baker
On Apr 5, 2021

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

You probably think about what your customers want.

You probably measure what you think your customers want.

But, do you ever ask your customers what they want you to measure?


Marketing | Measure & Monitor | Questions?: The Art of Asking Good Questions | Sales | Thought Tweets

Sales mastery involves a clear & narrow focusing of Personal-Strength Energy.

by Rick Baker
On Apr 3, 2021


Abundance | Sales | STRENGTHS: People-Focused for Success | Thought Tweets

Are you still trying to close that sale? Is your Persistence based on accurate thinking or denial?

by Rick Baker
On Jan 28, 2021

The Thinking Behind the Tweet

When does persistence become the wrong thing to do? 

There are differing views: we discussed this at the Thought Post called The Eighth Step Toward Riches or The First Mental Trap’ 

 When should the sales person draw the line…pull the plug? 

Ideally, this should happen when two things align: 

1. Your gut feel tells you ‘It is over.’ 
2. Your accurate thinking tells you ‘It is over.’ 

That’s much easier said than done. 

But, like all other aspects of sales…it is a talent that can be learned & honed.

How to Master Sales: learn how to ask good questions, listen, think, & share solutions.

by Rick Baker
On Jan 20, 2021

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Despite the views of new-era social-media gurus, the Sales function is not dead. The Sales function will live and breathe as long as people do. The essence of Sales is 'people, one-to-one, exchanging value'. It is incorrect to conclude people are no longer doing that. It is equally incorrect to assume that's going to change. Sales - or barter, or trade, or whatever term one chooses to use for it - is part of the human condition. 


Communication: Improving Communication | Sales | Thought Tweets

In business, the best relationships are built when pleasant personalities exchange interesting ideas.

by Rick Baker
On Jan 4, 2021

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

And, of course, the ideas contain value and there's following through on commitments.

Link to Thought Tweet #278


Communication: Improving Communication | Marketing | Sales | Thought Tweets

If you want to hit a grand slam in business, use your WOMBAT.

by Rick Baker
On Dec 28, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet


Word Of Mouth Business Acquisition Team


Humour | Marketing | Sales | Thought Tweets

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