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Good News: you have an emotionally charged group of leaders. Now: how do you convert that energy to the positive?

by Rick Baker
On Dec 5, 2021

When our ancestors first saw fire, the first things they saw and understood were destruction and danger. As time passed, as they became more thoughtful and more adventuresome, our ancestors learned the energy of fire could be harnessed and put to productive use. 

Harnessing energy and putting it to good use...that's the territory of leadership.

So, when you see people blowing off steam at work recognize there is energy generating the steam. Energy is good. Energy does good when it is harnessed and properly directed. That's a thing of leadership.

Creativity in science appears when insightful theories test known 'truths'. The same applies in business.

by Rick Baker
On Jun 10, 2021

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

If the writers of screen and theater plays decide the status quo is good enough and stop coming up with new ways to get our attention and entertain us, few of us will continue to go to the theaters and cinemas.

If scientists decide the status quo is good enough and stop coming up with and experimenting around new theories, few of us will continue to fund scientific research.

If business owners decide the status quo is good enough...


Abundance | Thought Tweets

Sometimes you just can win!

by Rick Baker
On Jun 8, 2021

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Sure, sometimes you just can't win. Everybody knows that. Almost everybody says that. And, some people are caught up in the habit of thinking and talking like that.

Why not make a habit of saying, "Sometimes you just can win!"


Abundance | Attitude: Creating Positive Attitude | Thought Tweets

When a combination of skills, goals, & plans is not present, people give up their dreams & hope.

by Rick Baker
On May 26, 2021

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Skills, goals and plans will always be required. 

Without these basics, work is demoralizing and frustrating.

Without these basics, unless they have tremendous will, people give up their dreams and hope.

The more you use your talents the harder it is to wear them out.

by Rick Baker
On May 22, 2021

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

We struggle when we don't use our Talents...many of us accept that struggling lot in life...and some of us embrace struggling as the starting process that allows learning and growth.

Yet, few of us struggle to use up our Talents.

Isn't that unfortunate!


Hope is not a strategy but it is an essential ingredient of leadership.

by Rick Baker
On May 13, 2021

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

'Hope is not a Strategy', an interesting business book by Rick Page.

"Hope is an essential ingredient of leadership." a Deepak Chopra quote from his book, 'The Soul of Leadership'

Both are accurate statements. 


Abundance | Attitude: Creating Positive Attitude | Beyond Business | Leaders' Thoughts | Thought Tweets

Copyright © 2012. W.F.C (Rick) Baker. All Rights Reserved.