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Thought Tweet #454

by Rick Baker
On Apr 12, 2012

Thought Tweet #454 Loyalty is the better half of trust...and a wonderful aspect of relationships.


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

We should cut loyal people some slack. They should not be taken for granted. They deserve much-better-than-average treatment. They deserve the best treatment we can deliver.


Beyond Business | Influencing | Thought Tweets | Values: Personal Values

Thought Tweet #452

by Rick Baker
On Apr 10, 2012

Thought Tweet #452 Here's a paradox - we must learn to relax if we want to improve our faculty of attention.

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Meditation guru B. Alan Wallace introduced it this way: “Before we can develop attentional stability, we first need to learn to relax.” 

And, as an introduction to his meditation instruction, he wrote: "Our minds are bound up with our bodies, so we need to incorporate our bodies into meditative practice. In each session we will do this by first settling the body in its natural state, while imbued with three qualities: relaxation, stillness, and vigilance."

Source: B. Alan Wallace 'The Attention Revolution', (2006)


Beyond Business | Habits: Good Habits, Bad Habits, & New Things | Thought Tweets

Thought Tweet #441

by Rick Baker
On Mar 26, 2012

Thought Tweet #441 Good things come in invisible packages.


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Of course, there's that old saying, "Good things come in small packages". And, it's true.

And, good things come in invisible packages. Thought: it comes in invisible packages. Even when probes and scans pick up the flashes of neuronal activity, they cannot capture Thoughts. Thoughts are invisible. 


Beyond Business | Thinking as in Think and Grow Rich | Thought Tweets

Courage - a discussion of 3 Standards

by Rick Baker
On Mar 21, 2012

Courage is Spirited Leaders' #1 Corporate Value.

Why is Courage so valued?

I will use excerpts from James Allen's 1914 classic, 'Men and Systems' to explain.

James Allen described a hierarchy of 3 standards of Courage: all good, for different reasons.


Physical Courage – the lowest standard of Courage

Human Beings are animals. Like other animals - for example, like lions - we possess internal 'workings' that allow some or all of us to have and illustrate physical Courage. Soldiers provide a good example. Soldiers risk their lives for country and comrade. Like lions, soldiers are fearless in attack and in defense. Like lions, soldiers forfeit their lives rather than yield. Soldiers even sacrifice their lives to save comrades. These are common-enough phenomenon...illustrations of physical Courage. 


Moral Courage - a higher standard of Courage

People possess Courage above and beyond that illustrated in the animal kingdom. Quoting James Allen, "In moral courage the other person's ideas, opinions, or principles are attacked, one's own idea, opinions, and principles are defended." Moral Courage places Man above beast. Allen described an evolutionary process where Man's brain evolved to the point where it became able to add much texture around thought before action and around 'right' versus 'wrong', and around 'good' versus 'evil'. Put another way - Man illustrates an expanded consciousness, an expanded capability for cognition...reasoning...thinking. And, People began to judge other People's thinking. There is written evidence Moral Courage has existed for millennia. For example, ancient literature tells us, Socrates, the 5th Century BCE philosopher, drank poison rather than concede his principles.


The New Courage - the highest standard of Courage

James Allen described a Courage exceeding physical and moral fearlessness. Here are Allen's words: "He who has the New Courage does not attack other men or defend himself; does not attack their opinions or defend his own; he is the defender of all men, and that from which he defends them is their own folly, their own ungoverned passions. While never seeking to protect himself, he so acts as to shield others from their deadliest enemy, namely, the evil within themselves.” “The New Courage may, indeed, be described as the courage to be silent.” Certainly, the great prophets [the founders of the major religions] possessed 'The New Courage'.


Hero 'Worship'

When I think of some of my heroes...

Nelson, Napoleon, and Alexander the Great led with Physical Courage and Moral Courage.

Lincoln, Gandhi, and Mandela led with The New Courage.



Beyond Business | Hero Worship | INSPIRE PEOPLE - GROW PROFITS! | Values: Personal Values

Thought Tweet #437

by Rick Baker
On Mar 20, 2012

Thought Tweet #437 It ain't the cards yer dealt...


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

...it's how you play the hand yer dealt. And, it ain't just the way you flip yer cards...it's the look yer showin' on yer face.


Beyond Business | Humour | Thought Tweets

Thought Tweet #433

by Rick Baker
On Mar 14, 2012

Thought Tweet #433 Needs are those distracting 'sideways' feelings we have on the way to our Goals.


The Thought Behind The Tweet

Actually, I mean - 'sideways' feelings & related thoughts. This Thought Tweet applies, unless, of course, you have perfectly mastered a Purpose-based Life...in which case your 'sideways' feelings and thoughts would vanish.

About that little chattering voice

About feelings


Beyond Business | Thought Tweets

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