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Let's not stumble along purposeless roads...let's construct better paths.

by Rick Baker
On Sep 14, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

"A person with clear purpose will make progress even on the roughest road. A person with no purpose will make no progress even on the smoothest road."

Thomas Carlyle, Scottish philosopher (1795-1881) 


When I think about this I wonder if it would be better said - A person with clear purpose makes progress despite the roughness of the road.

Then I wonder if it should be - A person with clear purpose will make progress because of the roughness of the road.


The smoother the road the less likely you will reach your long-term destination.

The smoother the road the less likely you will know or achieve your long-term purpose.

And finally...friends...

Let's not stumble along purposeless roads...let's construct better paths.




Ancient communication wisdom: "Men trust their ears less than their eyes."

by Rick Baker
On Sep 8, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

"Men trust their ears less than their eyes."


Greek Historian, 484BCE-425BCE

Now, 2400 years after Herodotus, psychologists are completing experiments that confirm Herodotus' ancient wisdom...our eyes overrule our ears...truly, we do believe what our eyes see them do more than what our ears hear them say. This applies to their major actions and to their minor body-language signals.


Thought Tweets | Wisdom: Surviving the Test of Time

The great teachers didn't dwell on stress. They focused on the human virtues.

by Rick Baker
On Aug 21, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

'Stressed' is a modern mindset...less than 100 years old.

Stressed: You have to look long and hard to find ancient wisdom mentioning it.

Stressed: don't forget it's just a reverse palindrome for desserts.


Emotions & Feelings @ Work | Thought Tweets | Wisdom: Surviving the Test of Time

Lack of confidence is evident when people talk too much during good times then talk too little during bad times.

by Rick Baker
On Aug 17, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

This is especially true when the talk is about credit and blame for results.

...better to aim closer to the Zen, "Is that so".

Make things as simple as wisdom allows.

by Rick Baker
On Jun 30, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Simplicity, by definition, offers understanding: Obvious Adams showed us how.

Wisdom, by definition, offers greater understanding: Ockham provided a razor.

Seek Simple...and let Wisdom set your boundaries.



Seeking Simple! | Thought Tweets | Wisdom: Surviving the Test of Time

"Man was born into fear in that he was born into a world of which most of the energies were set against him."

by Rick Baker
On Jun 28, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

An interesting quote from [Canadian-born] Basil King's 'The Conquest of Fear', (1921) Yes - most of the energies we experience are set against us…but, fortunately, (1) not the most-important one & (2) we have managed to partially-harness some of those set-against-us energies and put them to good use [as examples: fire & heat, electricity & magnetism, wind and solar energy].

Copyright © 2012. W.F.C (Rick) Baker. All Rights Reserved.