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Intrinsic drives often persist as lifelong drives.

by Rick Baker
On Nov 13, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Do you have some internal drives that have survived for decades? If you do then you know what I'm talking about.

Long-lasting, persistent wants/needs/drives reveal much about character and personality.

[Time and effort spent working to fulfill these persistent drives is time and effort well spent.] 

Unresolved, lingering problems gnaw away at brain energy. Attack problems and pluck that destructive power away from them.

by Rick Baker
On Oct 31, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

The brain represents 2% of body mass while it consumes 20% of body energy. 

The brain is 'energy intensive'.

Much brain energy is consumed/wasted on negative thinking - i.e., wasted on negative feelings and emotions...wasted on rumination & worry.

You gain energy-value when you reduce your brain's energy-waste.

So - Tackle problems quickly: hit 'em high, hit 'em low...rip the ball out from their hands.

A successful Sense of Urgency: that's doing things promptly when you know the right things to do and you know how to do them well.

by Rick Baker
On Oct 23, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Anything shy of this isn't a successful sense of urgency.

Anything shy of this is guesswork, bad planning, or fighting phantom fires.

Anything shy of this is pretty much guaranteed to annoy everyone you drag into your situations.

It's OK when you have an ego; it's not OK when an ego has you.

by Rick Baker
On Oct 19, 2020

The Thought Behind The Tweet

When it comes to ego, I believe moderation is the right course.

Eastern philosophies teach the merits of reduction of ego...removal of it to the extent that is possible. [Total removal of ego being a blissful state.]

Western capitalists have illustrated the serious damage caused by high, out-of-control egos.

It seems to me human beings were meant to have egos...why else would virtually all of us [if not all of us] have them? 

But, moderation is required...self-control, that is.

Trust is gained in small increments, one consistent action at a time.

by Rick Baker
On Oct 14, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Trust is lost in large lumps, one misunderstood-inconsistent action at a time. 

So, the scale is weighted against you...or, is it weighted for you?

You can perceive it either way...it doesn't matter as long as you are objective about it and do not begrudge the reality of it.

When it comes to trust, the scale is weighted: it isn't just about your perceptions of your intentions and your actions; it's about other people's perceptions of your actions and your intentions; small understood-consistent actions build trust in small increments; small misunderstood-inconsistent actions destroy trust in large lumps.

PS: Trust: an interpersonal juxtaposition: so fragile, so essential, so egoic...Perceptions of Interests and Actions...laced with biases that are somehow and somewhy ingrained to protect egos. Trust: the fundamental human-to-human consideration.

Our deeds tend to leave permanent shadows. Often invisible to us but seen clearly by others.

by Rick Baker
On Sep 29, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Often invisible to us: because we are biased.

Seen clearly by others: because they are biased.

As the saying goes - "Perceptions are Reality."

[Reality is such a biased illusion.]



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