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Take Steps Toward 'Change Leadership'

by Rick Baker
On Nov 15, 2013

If you want to lead change and influence others to help you achieve the success you desire, consider these things:

  • Your Intelligence - This is a tough one! How can you be objective? How can you know whether or not you have the intelligence required to be a successful leader? Here's a few suggestions: (1) view this as a life-long process, work at self-knowledge, & figure out how to measure accurately [then you will be able to apply these things to understanding others], (2) ask for input from others then consider it from different perspectives [as examples, subjectively and objectively], (3) have at least one mentor...intelligence is not fixed - it is something you can expand if you work at it.
  • Your Self-Control - There are two dimensions: (1) short-term control over emotions, feelings, thoughts, & actions and (2) 'Grit', the ability to control thoughts and actions so they align with personal Values, Vision, Rules, & Goals. 'Grit', as defined here, is the thing in you that determines whether or not you can illustrate Integrity to others and whether or not you have the conviction required to achieve your Desires.
  • Your Emotions - Another tough one! Start by defining Emotions and how they differ from feelings, moods, and other mind states. Seek help from others who can observe you in a variety of Situations: under heavy workload, under stress, under assault [for example, while being criticized]. Assessments can help identify your weaknesses. Major weaknesses must be corrected. If they are not you will violate sacred things like Integrity and your stated Values...violations will destroy followers' Trust in a blink. 
  • Your Actions - and the Actions you must do to deliver value, lead others, inspire others, influence others, and help others. 
Dedicate at least one full, uninterrupted day each year to measure your progress. 
When you do this you will observe progress steps that look something like this...

The 1 Thing Everyone Wants

by Rick Baker
On Nov 5, 2013

What's the 1 thing everyone wants?

If we knew that then we would have a much better chance of understanding others, communicating with others, working with others...getting along with others...helping others...influencing others.

So let's explore that together.

One of the first things I can recall learning about human needs was Maslow's 'Hierarchy of Needs' [1940's psychology].

With 'people's wants' in mind, Abraham Maslow spelled out the basics and the hierarchy of human needs...


Let's assume the basic needs are covered. Let's assume the physiological and safety needs are covered. That's a reasonable assumption: if you are reading this Thought Post then it is likely your basic needs are covered. You are reading in response to some other need.

After the basic needs are covered, what comes next? and - What's the 1 thing everyone wants?

Is Maslow right? Has he accurately narrowed it down to 4 things?, i.e., Love, Belonging, Esteem, and Self-actualization...with Love and Belonging coming ahead of Esteem and Self-actualization?

Perhaps the one thing everyone wants is:

  • Love - that inexplicable state of mind that connects 2 human beings in a most-special way
  • Belonging - that sense of connectedness, being part of something larger
  • Esteem - containing value and being held in high regard
  • Self-actualization - to realize one's full potential 

In the late 1800's, Friedrich Nietzsche [my favourite philosopher] had a strong and clear view:

"Physiologists should think again before postulating the drive to self-preservation as the cardinal drive in an organic being. A living thing desires above all to vent its strength - life as such is will to power -: self-preservation is only one of the indirect and most frequent consequences of it."

'Venting one's strength' - that's a different twist. It captures both Esteem and Self-actualization.

Sigmund Freud had a different view, which he expressed about 100 years ago. He felt people's actions are a result of two major drives: the sex urge and the desire to be great. And, he wrote:

“What we call happiness in the strictest sense comes from the (preferably sudden) satisfaction of needs which have been dammed up to a high degree.”

If we extract the physiological drive [sex urge], we are left with 'the desire to be great'

The often-quoted philosopher William James said, "The deepest principle in human nature is the craving to be appreciated."

And Dale Carnegie, mirroring the views of philosopher John Dewey, taught - "The deepest urge in human nature is the desire to be important."

There's a common thread here:

Everyone wants to use personal strengths to create value and influence others to confirm appreciation of that value.


For another day...

Internal: one's Strength [Innate Talent + Opportunity + Specialized Knowledge + Practised Skills = Strength]

Action: more than just thought

Ego: the thing that craves

External: internal locus of control is at play here

Influence: it is not enough to just do, others must be affected...others must be influenced


And - no wonder Constructive Criticism is an Oxymoron.

Thought Tweet #844

by Rick Baker
On Oct 10, 2013

Thought Tweet #844 Trust is gained in small increments, one understood-consistent action at a time.

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Trust is lost in large lumps, one misunderstood-inconsistent action at a time. 

So, the scale is weighted against you...or, is it weighted for you?

You can perceive it either way...it doesn't matter as long as you are objective about it and do not begrudge the reality of it.

When it comes to trust, the scale is weighted: it isn't just about your perceptions of your intentions and your actions; it's about other people's perceptions of your actions and your intentions; small understood-consistent actions build trust in small increments; small misunderstood-inconsistent actions destroy trust in large lumps.


PS: Trust: an interpersonal juxtaposition: so fragile, so essential, so egoic...Perceptions of Interests and Actions...laced with biases that are somehow and somewhy ingrained to protect egos. Trust: the fundamental human-to-human consideration.

Failure To Perform- WHY?

by Rick Baker
On Oct 1, 2013

Often, people don't do tasks because they don't know how.

In other words, they lack knowledge or skill that is required to be competent at the task.

In other situations, people are competent but, regardless, they don't do the tasks.

There are many reasons why people fail to perform tasks.

Here are some of the reasons:

  • they don't like the task 
  • they don't think the task is important 
  • they don't feel appreciated
  • they don't feel their co-workers are supportive 
  • they don't like the boss
All of these things are flavoured with bad attitude. That is - all of these things could be remedied quickly if people adjust the way they think and feel about work [and prior to that, the way they think about themselves]. There are several ways to improve attitude: focus on talents & strengths, taking talent to task; communicate values & shared values; communicate visions of a better future; communicate the importance of all roles & tasks.
Here are some more reasons:
  • they are lost in work-multi-tasking 
  • they are work-distracted
  • they are work-stressed
All of these things contain an element of bad process...individual's bad work process and, more often than not, a work-culture of contagious bad work process. There are several ways to replace bad work process with good work process: apply the 80/20 Rule, shaving off bad-work-process fat; systematize routine-work tasks & work-task strings [automated processes]; teach time/self-management; adjust work environments to enable focus & concentration.

Thought Tweet #834

by Rick Baker
On Sep 26, 2013

Thought Tweet #834 When you display worry people get nervous. (Wow - Who'd have seen that coming!)


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Let's face it...some of us are natural-born worriers. When worry hits us we would do better if it wasn't for that body-language stuff that causes us to wear our worry on our faces...furrowed brows and similar give-aways.


Emotions & Feelings @ Work | Humour | Influencing | Thought Tweets

Thought Tweet #833

by Rick Baker
On Sep 25, 2013

Thought Tweet #833 When you display anger people get defensive. (Wow -Who'd have seen that coming!)


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Some say we should not thwart the natural energy captured in the form of anger.

Perhaps, a bit of anger in the workplace is OK. As long as you're OK with a bit of defensiveness. 


Emotions & Feelings @ Work | Humour | Thought Tweets

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