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The Force of Personality

by Rick Baker
On Jun 21, 2012

It seems to me personality is one of the most underestimated forces. Also, the impact of flawed personality is equally misunderstood or overlooked or underestimated.

Certainly, the make-up of a magnetic personality is subjective...as is the make-up of a flawed personality. Yet, with a little observation or a check of gut feel we know when we are in the presence of magnetic personalities and flawed personalities. 

Most people judge others and they judge others quickly. We judge others unconsciously or consciously and often we judge others both ways.

Despite our ability to quickly judge others, most of the time we underestimate the impact of personalities, both good ones and not-so-good ones. We must underestimate personalities. If that was not the case then we would take more constructive action to improve our personalities and help other people improve theirs. 

How would we do that?


Personalities @ Work | Questions?: The Art of Asking Good Questions

Thought Tweet #504

by Rick Baker
On Jun 21, 2012

Thought Tweet #504 There is no set reality; reality is but what we make of it, nothing more, nothing less, unless we ask someone else.


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Along the lines of perception is reality and don't assume, ask questions...and much more.


Beyond Business | Thought Tweets

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