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Thought Tweet #574

by Rick Baker
On Sep 27, 2012

Thought Tweet #574 When someone really pulls your leg it may cost you that and an arm.


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Too little to explain.


Humour | Thought Tweets

...with best Intentions...

by Rick Baker
On Sep 27, 2012

Thoughts and actions are laced with intention of two types: intention can be ego-driven, backed by desires; intention can be spirit-driven, backed by personal strengths. 

On its own, ego-driven intention is not necessarily aligned with personal strengths so it often generates more problems than solutions and causes more chaos than accomplishment. 

Spirit-driven intention builds, creates, and constructs and it naturally aligns with personal strengths.

We see evidence of spirit-driven intention in entrepreneurs. While it may lack direction, entrepreneurs have a burning desire to achieve something. While it may lack direction, entrepreneurs have a burning desire to build things of value. These are signals of spirit-driven intention. In entrepreneurs, spirit-driven intention is clear when:

  1. the entrepreneur's thoughts and actions are aligned with personal talents and personal strengths, which are developed through much effort and practice, 
  2. the entrepreneur has sufficient intelligence, and
  3. the entrepreneur's ego is managed through self-control.

At the foundation of this...

Friedrich Nietzsche wrote, in his 1886 classic 'Beyond Good and Evil':

"Physiologists should think again before postulating the drive to self-preservation as the cardinal drive in an organic being. A living thing desires above all to vent its strength - life as such is will to power -: self-preservation is only one of the indirect and most frequent consequences of it."

When entrepreneurs vent their strengths, with ego under self-control, their work is backed by spirit-driven intention. And - their spirit-driven work is creative, special, and sustainable. 



Beyond Business | Entrepreneur Thinking

Copyright © 2012. W.F.C (Rick) Baker. All Rights Reserved.