by Rick Baker
On Apr 3, 2013
Here's a thought about creativity vis-à-vis right and wrong: creativity is not about right and wrong. If it can be summed up in one word, creativity is about 'new'.
People have different perceptions…because people are different. People have different ideas because people are different. People have different perceptions about ideas because people are different.
- When people perceive and think the same way and accept that situation, there is little ability to experience creativity. [The existence of differences is the seed for creativity.]
- When people perceive and think different ways and accept that situation, creativity has a much easier time presenting itself. [Tolerance breeds trust and comfort.]
- When people judge others as wrong, the likelihood of creativity arising or evolving into invention or innovation drops. [Intolerance breeds distrust and discomfort.]
- When people accept others as being different and are OK not judging the differences as right or wrong, minds tend to be more open to new ideas. [Open-mindedness breeds open and accurate communication.]
Only when minds are open to new ideas can creativity, invention, and innovation have the opportunity to flourish.