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Thought Tweet #749

by Rick Baker
On May 30, 2013

Thought Tweet #749 Some folks are so brutal in front of faces they don't have to repeat themselves behind backs.


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Constructive Criticism Is An Oxymoron.

When toxic people succeed in work environments that success is always short-lived...and the success comes at a high price.

And related to this...

If you feel compelled to repeat yourself make sure you don't do it behind people's backs.


How is it that back-talk happens face-to-face?

Cutting Through The Confusion: Seeing Good Qualities in People

by Rick Baker
On May 30, 2013

Intertwined with our spirits and minds, each of us possesses 3 human qualities: Drive, Intelligence, and Self-Control.


Drive has 2 components: Emotions, which are hereditary vestiges, and Desires, which come in two forms - pleasure/gratification seeking and pain/difficulty avoidance.

Put another way:

  • Emotions are subconscious drives inherent in us, and all other human beings, designed to protect us from danger. Each of us has to figure out how to cope with Emotions.
  • Desires are aimed at achieving positive rewards and avoiding negative outcomes. Desires are conscious drives, specific to each of us and linked to each individual's Intelligence and Self-Control....and Goals.


Intelligence has 4 components:

  • Self-Knowledge, 
  • Innate Talent, 
  • Knowledge about People, and 
  • Wisdom covering self and interactions with other People in Situations

Intelligence spans a wide range from the rational/logical to the irrational/emotional...with feelings dancing in between.

Each of us experiences Intelligence 2 ways, and only 2 ways:

  1. by Thinking &
  2. by Taking Action.


Self-Control seems to be a thing played out between spirit and mind....between logic and emotion...between right and wrong...between Good Habits and Bad Habits, between short- and long-term goals. Self-Control is much easier said than done. Coupled with clarity of thought, Self-Control (power of will) presents to each of us an exquisite & life-long series of mind-challenges.

Copyright © 2012. W.F.C (Rick) Baker. All Rights Reserved.