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5 reasons to listen: (1) to understand, (2) to act, (3) to respond, (4) because it's your job, & (5) because you like people.

by Rick Baker
On Jun 4, 2021

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Most people listen poorly.

It's reciprocal: people don't listen to them so they return the disfavour.

Then there's this pent up ego, demanding you express your thoughts rather than listen to other people's thoughts.


If we don't relearn how to listen evolution is going to adapt our ears into oblivion.

[One drawback of civilization: people who don't listen no longer get eaten by predators.]


Communication: Improving Communication | Humour | Thought Tweets

Some ancient wisdom for Success: Have bone in back, not bone in head.

by Rick Baker
On Jun 3, 2021

The Thinking Behind the Sales Tweet

Probably no ancient person ever said that. But, we will never know for sure. On the other hand, I did write “People should work at having thick skin and thin skulls”.

Thick skin will help people be less influenced by the criticism of others.

A thin skull will ensure important stuff gets in easier.

If you want to teach someone, first find out what they believe they already know.

by Rick Baker
On Jun 2, 2021

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Far too often, we jump into teaching.

Far too often, we assume others do not know what we know. 

Far too often, we conclude others are doing things poorly or incorrectly because they don't know what we know.

More often than not, we waste time and 'make work' when we assume and conclude others don't know what we know.

We can remedy this by asking simple questions before we give instructions and lessons.


Don't let yourself get so busy you let Situations catch you unprepared...anticipate Situations, plan ahead.

by Rick Baker
On Jun 1, 2021

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

So many people think they are 'too busy' when the reality is they are 'too unprepared'. They live a business life consumed by a repeated series of fire-fights. Many of the fire-fights are directly linked to specific individuals' behaviour. And, habits being what they are, to a very large degree, behaviour is predictable. Think of a probable Situation. Think of who will be in the Situation. Think of how the people in the Situation will act. Plan your best Actions before the fires start. 

The greatest of leaders change themselves. They mould their character to remove the bad habits that impair leadership.

by Rick Baker
On May 31, 2021

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Sometimes they replace combative attitudes with kind attitudes. Sometimes they toughen up their softness. Either way they mould their character to remove the bad habits that prevent leadership.

Inspire business people by letting them know that you know what they do when they are at work.

by Rick Baker
On May 30, 2021

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

If you believe people know what you do when you are at work then check again...you may be quite surprised to find others have a very fuzzy impression of your work. Or, they may know almost nothing about your work.

You do not have to emulate them...you can stand out...you can ask them and learn what they do...then you can know what they do...and they will appreciate you for it. 





Copyright © 2012. W.F.C (Rick) Baker. All Rights Reserved.