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Self-knowledge is the often-overlooked success ingredient.

by Rick Baker
On May 12, 2021

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

People who have a thorough understanding of themselves do better as business leaders. They understand their strengths and weaknesses; they understand their desires and goals; they understand their internal drivers and their behaviour; they understand their attitude toward and their reactions to situations and other people

Duplication annoys some people - others recognize repetition is a key to learning and repeated errors signal failure to learn.

by Rick Baker
On May 3, 2021

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Efficiency happens when things are done right the first time.

Efficiency happens when people learn and remember.

Some people view these as mutually exclusive things.

Isn't that a shame?

Mistakes happen when people try new things.

Mistakes provide opportunities to learn.

Some people don't learn from their errors.

Isn't that a shame?



Discipline yourself if you wish to persuade others.

by Rick Baker
On Apr 29, 2021

The Thinking Behind the Tweet

Do what I say not what I do does not cut it. Probably, most of us can remember incidents when we were children and adults in positions of authority gave us instructions that they themselves did not follow. To the extent that happened, we learned to resist instructions that came to us as do what I say not what I do. As we gained experience and confidence our resistance to these inconsistent demands increased. Now, we have much trouble following instructions from people who do not lead by example. And, we distrust those who talk the talk but don’t walk the walk.


Business Contains Only 3 Things | Thought Tweets

Mediocrity happens when we live under the wings of our bad-habits.

by Rick Baker
On Apr 27, 2021

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Bad Habits follow us like shadows. Bad Habits make us mediocre. We can replace Bad Habits with Good Habits...it's a matter of choice...and commitment & self-discipline.

Written Goals don't just help you set your work-priorities, they help you define your personal Values.

by Rick Baker
On Apr 14, 2021

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Values, Purpose, Vision, Rules, & Goals are not discreet, stand-alone concepts. They are intertwined. For most People, they are iterative-too...gaining more clarity with time. When you boil business down, its essence is People, Process, & SituationsPeople come first. People bring with them 'Character'...which, for each person, is a summing up of his/her Values, Purpose, Vision, Rules, & Goals. 

About structure...shouldn't your people see your business at least as solid as the building you work in?

by Rick Baker
On Apr 13, 2021

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Overall, small and mid-sized businesses lack the structure they need to be sustainable, let alone be excellent. Business is about 3 things: People, Process, & Situations. Process means structure: structure for plans; structure for roles; structure for workflow; structure for communications; structure in the form of rules.

Business Contains Only 3 Things: People, Process, & Situations

Master Rules


Business Contains Only 3 Things | Master Rules | Thought Tweets

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