by Rick Baker
On Jul 30, 2013
Fragility runs the risk of shattering under changes. So, Fragility fears change. And, Fragility resists and avoids change.
The Ooch is a cautious adventurer. The Ooch bites off small pieces of change. If they taste good, The Ooch takes more bites. If they don't taste good, The Ooch spits them out quickly and looks for another small meal.
Fragility likes to go big or go home.
The Ooch likes to step small and move ahead.
Fragility thrives in the 'corporate environment'...planning for the next big meeting...orchestrating...posturing...politicking...mirror-gazing at that smile...crystal-ball-looking...opining with bravado.
The Ooch sits behind an entrepreneur's desk...but not for long...just long enough to come up with another idea...likely a small that can be quickly that can be quickly embraced or rejected.
The Ooch - the curious, androgynous parent of invention.