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Organized people get more done; disorganized people get more stress.

by Rick Baker
On Apr 22, 2021

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

When we are disorganized we make more errors and errors cause more work...and sometimes cause other people to have negative reactions...and then there is more stress.

Disorganization = more errors = more fixing of errors = repeated work = annoyed people = more stress.


I'm too busy! - I don't have time! | Thought Tweets

Some people are way too busy talking to learn...

by Rick Baker
On Apr 9, 2021

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

I bet you've noticed some people simply must express their views. If someone interrupts them, sooner or later, one way or another, these people will keep returning to what they were saying until they have finished saying it. And, if they don't think you are listening then they will repeat their message until they believe you have listened

And, these people are quick to interrupt others and squeeze others out of conversations so they can inject their views.

Listening isn't important to these people: they don't feel a need to listen because their minds are made up. 

These people are way too busy talking to learn.


Isn't it ironic that successful people are busy while unsuccessful people are too busy?

by Rick Baker
On Mar 28, 2021

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

I've never heard a successful person say, "I'm too busy."

I've heard many struggling people say, "I'm too busy."

There must be a cause-and-effect at play here...

Perhaps, successful people never place themselves into too-busy situations, so they never feel or think too-busy?

Perhaps, people who say "I'm too busy" doom themselves to never be successful?

Understanding the power of self-talk and not wanting to take chances on the latter...I choose to never say "I'm too busy."




I'm too busy! - I don't have time! | Thought Tweets

If you want to win someone over then let him know that you know what he does when he is at work.

by Rick Baker
On Mar 20, 2021

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Most people take at least some pride in their work...so they tell others about what they do when they are at work. 

Few people have the interest or take to time to truly listen to others, so they never really hear let alone remember what others tell them.

You can listen. You can remember. You can let others know you care about what they do at work.

You can inspire people!



If you can convince yourself you are too busy then you too can make worse decisions.

by Rick Baker
On Mar 17, 2021

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

  1. It's all in the way you hold your mind.
  2. You do not have to take the time required to make good decisions. It is your prerogative to make lousy decisions and nobody can take that right away from you.
  3. There's probably no better way to make lousy decisions than holding in your mind the thoughts, "I am too busy" and "I don't have time".
  4. If you put your mind to it you will find your mind will warm to the habit of "I am too busy" and "I don't have time". And soon, very soon, you will be able to make really lousy decisions.


Delegation & Decisions | I'm too busy! - I don't have time! | Thought Tweets

Time is a most-precious thing. Shame on the people who repeatedly waste time then complain about not having enough of it.

by Rick Baker
On Feb 3, 2021

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

We all have the same amount of time...we know the past is gone...we know we have the present...we only hope we have the future.

We all have choices about how we use up our time.

For example, we can choose to make good use of the 'time scraps' that arrive regularly, during work days and during all other days.


I'm too busy! - I don't have time! | Thought Tweets

Copyright © 2012. W.F.C (Rick) Baker. All Rights Reserved.