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To lead, use light fingers at the controls. Heavy-finger governance and control just sends things off kilter.

by Rick Baker
On Dec 22, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

From Wikipedia...

In 1868, James Clerk Maxwell wrote a famous paper "On governors” that is widely considered a classic in feedback control theory.


     An early governor                              James Clerk Maxwell

In the 19th Century, Maxwell proved that tight governing of steam engine speed created bigger surprises than light governing.

We can apply this fact to 21st Century business process.

In business we need guiding principles and Master Rules.

Errors only become limitations when we choose to give them that power.

by Rick Baker
On Dec 14, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

We cannot practice when we don't know the what and how of task-details: we cannot teach when we don't know the what and how of task-details.

But, do not expect your teachers will be masters of work performance: knowing the what/how of tasks and doing work at the master level are 2 different things.

Mastery of tasks is rare; even the most skilled performers make errors; errors define near-term limits, however, near-term limits do not have to be long-term limiting.

Errors only become long-term limiting when we choose to give them that power.

Leaders do best when it is clear they have sacred rules, which we call “The Master Rules”.

by Rick Baker
On Dec 11, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Master Rules: these are rules set by the Leader and well-communicated by the Leader to all followers.

The Master Rules must not be bent. And, if they are broken then the consequences are clear and enforced. The Master Rules must capture the essence of the Leader’s Personal Values, mesh with the Leader’s Strengths, and serve as clear directions towards the Leader's Vivid Vision. 

People are more inclined to follow than to lead; good followers enjoy huge opportunities.

by Rick Baker
On Nov 29, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

One of the most graphic examples is mob behaviour. A few mob leaders can inspire destruction and pillaging from many...just consider Vancouver's Stanley Cup embarrassment. As Mark Weber says, "If the bet is between People and the Situation, bet on the Situation". [paraphrased] 

Betting on Situations is, in essence, betting on people following.

And there's that Spirited philosophy - "Business Contains Only 3 Things: People, Process, & Situations"

To accomplish their dreams, leaders must remember these related things:

Be the role model you want emulated

Anticipate and construct Situations

Seek the upside in ordinary tasks: seeking simple work and doing it well; knowing its link to positive outcomes.

by Rick Baker
On Nov 26, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

As the old saying goes, "There is satisfaction in a job well done."

There is more satisfaction when:

1.     You know the work, even if it is the most-simple of tasks, is a step toward a positive outcome and

2.     You do the work well.

Some people know this.

Others have to learn this.

Some have to teach this.

Leaders illustrate this by example: Mahatma Gandhi took pride in simplicity and the practice of walking; Napoleon Bonaparte took pride in the science and the practice of aiming cannons. 


Hero Worship | Leaders' Thoughts | Seeking Simple! | Thought Tweets | Values: Personal Values

Leadership grit grinds & grows.

by Rick Baker
On Nov 12, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

John Wayne is one of my heroes. Every time I hear the word 'grit' I think of Rooster Cogburn, the character John Wayne played when he won the Best Actor Oscar for his role in 'True Grit'. More specifically, I think of the scene where he took on all the bad guys and won. The above picture shows Rooster charging at the bad guys...guns a blazin'...the perfect hero.

Grit - firmness of mind or spirit : unyielding courage in the face of hardship or danger

Not just in the movies but also in real life, John Wayne had true grit.

We need more leaders with true grit.


Hero Worship | Leaders' Thoughts | Thought Tweets

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