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There is no scarcity of Scarcity Mindset

by Rick Baker
On Jun 1, 2011
That’s not a complaint.
It is simply a fact.
I know this because I cannot stop myself from observing people, listening to them, and watching how they react to other people’s ideas and requests.
Last month, I wrote a little Thought Post entitled Let’s get rid of Scarcity Mindset.
Now, like most ‘blog sites’, our Thought Post site provides readers the opportunity to rate our Thought Posts. Our site has little stars at the bottom of each posting…readers can select and enter 1 star, 2 stars, 3 stars, 4 stars, or 5 stars.
Generally readers do not rate our Thought Posts. That’s typical of blog sites, unless maybe the person who does the writing is really, really gifted. [I aspire to that…and…clearly I have some work to do…but…I digress.] It seems a posting must really annoy or really resonate before people take the time to rate it.
It is interesting to note, the Thought Post about getting rid of Scarcity Mindset received 2 ratings: one was 1 star and one was 5 stars…so, the average is 3 stars. Now, I assume the person who rated it 5 stars liked the posting and agrees with its message.
But – what about the person who gave the 1 star rating?
  • Perhaps, this person agrees we should work to get rid of Scarcity Mindsets but thinks I did a poor job of delivering that message?
  • Perhaps, this person disagrees with the message and thinks we should not get rid of Scarcity Mindsets?
  • Perhaps, this person thinks something else?
We will never know…unless the person provides comments to clarify.
I do know scarcity mindsets permeate many business environments. So, I will keep writing in an effort to help folks understand the problem so they have a chance to fix it before it causes too much damage.
During the last 2 weeks, people have talked to me about 3 separate instances of scarcity mindset in the workplace. When people describe their situations they usually do not use the words ‘scarcity mindset’…people usually talk about the results they see/hear, not the underlying cause.
Perhaps I need to write more clearly…
Scarcity Mindset is an underlying cause…a fear-driven, underlying cause
Scarcity Mindset leads to many poor decisions, inappropriate actions, and workplace stresses


by Rick Baker
On May 20, 2011
You want business success.
And you can define what success means to you.
S.M.A.R.T. Goals are a good place to start.
And more is required.
In an effort to capture 'more than S.M.A.R.T. Goals' we created the ACRES of SUCCESS metaphor.
What's that all about?
In summary:
We view S.M.A.R.T. as a filter for testing Goals. Are Goals specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bounded? If they are then they survive the S.M.A.R.T. filter.
And more is required.
For our business Goals to succeed we need at least an ACRE more of testing:
We need to anticipate and test:
A - Action
C - Conversion
R - Repercussion
E - Emotion
Picture 'Your Dream Property’.
Let your mind wander…imagine 'Your Dream Property’.
Like a post-card picture…'Your Dream Property’.
What needs to be done to make that dream a reality?
To create and maintain Your Dream Property you will need to take ACTION, specific planned action: preparing soil, considering sunlight, planning water and drainage, purchasing seeds, purchasing shrubs, and purchasing trees…arranging tools and equipment, etc.
You will design all that action with CONVERSION in mind. You will add things to your property and apply your energy to your property with the intent of converting your property from what it is to something much better...Your Dream Property.
You will do the work. There will be REPERCUSSIONS. To the extent you plan your work well, inject the right things, and 'Mother Nature' assists your work will result in Your Dream Property.
While you are doing the work and when it is done, you will experience EMOTIONS. It would be normal to feel fatigue as you toil. If the result of your work…stated another way…if the tangible repercussion of your work is Your Dream Property then when you are done all your work your emotions will be very positive. You will feel joy, justified pride, and a sense of accomplishment. Perhaps, you will feel the special bond that happens when people are in synch with Mother Nature.
If this happens, if you succeed at building Your Dream Property, then you will have created ACRES of SUCCESS.
You will feel ACRES of SUCCESS.
Similarly, you can create and feel ACRES of SUCCESS at work.
To experience ACRES of SUCCESSat work:
  1. Create Business Goals that pass the S.M.A.R.T.requirements
    • Specific
    • Measurable
    • Attainable
    • Relevant
    • Time-Bounded
  2. Put those S.M.A.R.T. Goals through your ACRESfilter
    • ACTION…consider the Top 3 actions you expect people to take
    • CONVERSION…consider the way you will measure what follows the actions
    • REPERCUSSIONS…consider the Top 3 most-likely tangible results
    • EMOTIONS…consider how people will feel before, during, and after the actions
  3. When your Goals pass both the S.M.A.R.T. test and the ACRES test you know you have SMARTACRES Goals.
  4. When you know you have SMARTACRES Goals you know you have set the stage for ACRES of SUCCESS at work.
  5. When you teach all your people how to create SMARTACRES Goals you know you have set the stage for ACRES and ACRES and ACRES of SUCCESS at work.


Emotions & Feelings @ Work | Goals - SMARTACRE Goals | Spirited Leaders

Not Key Success Factors – Key Success Rules

by Rick Baker
On Apr 28, 2011
Spirited Leaders conducts a series of 6 workshops, designed to share our key thoughts about 6 areas where Leadership skill results in ‘big ROI’.
The 6 areas are:
  1. Leader’s Values
  2. Leader’s Vision
  3. Ideal Clients
  4. Key Success Rules [formerly, Key Success Factors or Critical Success Factors]
  5. Goals
  6. Performance Measurement
As we revisited our plan for Workshop #4, we decided to replace the words ‘Key Success Factors’ with the words ‘Key Success Rules’.
Some might view this as a small change, ie, a slight tweaking of the wording.
Others might view this as a major alteration of the thrust and requirements of strategic planning.
We understand both viewpoints.
Here is why we made the change to ‘Key Success Rules’ it and why this change warrants some attention:
  • The word ‘factor’ is nebulous. The word ‘rule’ is not...or, at least, it is much less nebulous. We do better when we use clear words during the strategic planning process. Clear words lead to better communication. Clear words lead to more interest in communication.
  • ‘Rules’ are needed in business. We do not need to mince words about rules. We need to state rules clearly. The sports and games we enjoy so much teach us important lessons about rules. For example, if we can accept and maybe even enjoy the rules of the sports and games we play then we can certainly be comfortable accepting rules when we go to work. Rules set boundaries for fair play. Rules give direction to accurate thinking.
  • In the business planning process, Key Success Rules [formerly called Key Success Factors] connect strategy to action. Here, we mean the Leader’s Vision, Values, and most-desired Clients are the main pieces of strategic thought. Something is required to serve as the bridge from those strategic thoughts to the actions needed to bring about the desired outcomes/results. Key Success Rules are that bridge.
Summing this up…
When we view Key Success Rules as the bridge between strategic thought and practical action we construct a clear connection. Key action-tests are clear. And the planning process is a quicker and more-enjoyable experience. In addition, Key Success Rules promote accurate thinking about the important operational details to follow.


INSPIRE PEOPLE - GROW PROFITS! | Master Rules | Spirited Leaders | Values: Personal Values

Leaders & Vivid Vision – #3

by Rick Baker
On Feb 8, 2011
"Success is Clearly in View" - The Leader's vision must be vivid and shared*.
How often do you stop what you are doing, sit back, and quietly ask yourself - “Why am I working?”
I don’t mean, ask yourself - “Why am I doing this piece of work right now?”
I mean, some day you will no longer be working. When that day arrives, what do you hope you will have accomplished?
I mean, asking yourself questions like…“When I stop working
  • how do I want to be remembered?”
  • what will my memoirs say?”
  • what legacy will I leave?
  • who will replace me?
I mean, asking yourself – When will my career end?”
And, asking yourself – How will my career end?”
Obviously, none of us has a crystal ball. None of us can predict the future.
And, for some people the credo is ‘Live For Today’. Those people stopped reading this Thought Post many lines ago.
Leaders have the ability to choose. [That perk comes with the territory.]
Leaders have the ability to choose…and none of us can predict the future.
However, leaders can ‘approach the future’ with intent.
Leaders do that by ‘living the present’ with intent.
Intent opens the door to many powerful things:
  • high self-motivation
  • high self-confidence
  • high self-esteem
  • better ability to attract and connect with other talented people
  • better ability to lead other people
The Power of Intent nurtures Good Habits when the leader (1) has clear Vision of the end point and (2) shares that clear Vision repeatedly with those who follow.
The Power of Intent can only be maximized when the leader has a clear Vision of the end point.
  1. "Success is Clearly in View" - The Leader's vision must be vivid and shared. That’s the title of the 2nd workshop in our 6-workshop Leaders’ Academy series.


Spirited Leaders | Vision: The Leader's Vivid Vision

Mini-Message - About Personal Values

by Rick Baker
On Feb 2, 2011


Spirited Leaders | Values: Personal Values

Leaders & Vivid Vision – #2

by Rick Baker
On Feb 1, 2011
"Success is Clearly in View" - The Leader's vision must be vivid and shared*.
During my parents’ lifetime, a leader said,
“I suppose leadership at one time meant muscles; but today it means getting along with people.”
That leader had a vision of freedom for his country; not just freedom from foreign rule but freedom in the broadest sense of the word.
This leader inspired the people of his country with quotes such as,
“Be the change you want to see in the world.”
“The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.”
“Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.”
This leader’s motto was:
“Simple Living, High Thinking”
This leader lived a life of peace and demanded the same from his followers. He encouraged non-violent civil disobedience from foreign authority he believed was unnecessary and unjust. He asked his people to refrain from retaliating when they were attacked with physical force.
His people rallied and followed his Vision and his guidance.
He lived to see his country of 300,000,000 people freed from foreign rule.
This leader was Mahatma Gandhi.
Now, that is a summary of the amazing achievement of a 20th Century leader.
The historical record confirms the details of a leader who, with Vision, set the global standard for peaceful human relations, and freed an entire nation.
Now, such an extreme example of pacifistic leadership is unusual.
Regardless, we can benefit from understanding the following about Mahatma Gandhi:
  • He had a Vision – freeing the 300,000,000 people of his country
  • He clearly communicated that Vision – his people knew exactly what he envisioned
  • He led by example – his peaceful demonstrations and his hunger strikes setting examples for all
  1. "Success is Clearly in View" - The Leader's vision must be vivid and shared. That’s the title of the 2nd workshop in our 6-workshop Leaders’ Academy series.


Hero Worship | Spirited Leaders | Vision: The Leader's Vivid Vision

Copyright © 2012. W.F.C (Rick) Baker. All Rights Reserved.