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Invest the time it takes to understand people. Understanding provides for trust, motivation, & leadership.

by Rick Baker
On May 31, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

In part, inspired by a re-reading of Michael Gerber's 'The E-Myth Revisited'. Pick a demographic - learn its psychographics - and don't forget, we're dealing with people...not statistics.

Of course, there's a softer side and a more-important justification. Only when we understand others are we able to help them. [Without such understanding we ramble along, at best, half-helping ourselves.]


Disciplined thoughts lead to successful actions.

by Rick Baker
On May 26, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Or, we could just leave things to chance and self-confidence...however, at the very least, that would deprive us of the pleasure associated with the cause and effect between our thoughts (causes) and our achievements (effects).


Thought Tweets | Values: Personal Values

Communication band-aids don't solve the discomfort of negative thinking.

by Rick Baker
On May 18, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Shape up, Man, you gotta improve your attitude!  

Great advice in theory - useless advice in reality. 

If you want to help people with negative thinking, think first about your own attitude, thoughts and action then learn how to improve by replacing negative thinking with new thoughts.


Your brand starts with your character and the culture you breed: your brand stalls or flourishes there.

by Rick Baker
On May 12, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

A brand isn't a cute visual.

A brand isn't a catchy logo or a slick tag line.

A brand cannot pretty up a flawed character or a troubling culture.

When testing new branding, take a step back and look at your personal character and your business culture. Do they pass the litmus test? Do they render an investment in 'branding' worthwhile? Or, do they neuter your branding expenditures?


Master Rules | Personalities @ Work | Thought Tweets | Values: Personal Values

In small doses anxiety energizes and hones focus. In large doses anxiety becomes a demon that destroys quality of life.

by Rick Baker
On May 7, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Anxiety is part of our lives.

Anxiety is laced with rumination about past mistakes and problems or worry about future mistakes and problems.

In small doses anxiety helps us overcome difficulties, which leads to the building of confidence

In large doses anxiety can overwhelm us, leading to avoidance lack of confidence and even depression.

One key to success: when anxiety is triggered begin by taking on little challenges. that will help you gain the confidence you will require when you face larger challenges.

Take your big treasure chest of Curiosity off the shelf...dust it off...open it up...and put its contents to good use.

by Rick Baker
On Apr 22, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

At one time, you were an incessantly curious and creative person. You were chock full of curiosity. Over the years and through the criticism, you've locked much of your curiosity away...right beside your childhood dreams...and near your adolescent dreams.

Choose to take your big treasure chest of Curiosity off the shelf.


You were an incessant dreamer...night & day...light & heavy...fantastic...motivating.

Criticism and the trials of day-to-day life caused you to shelve many of your vibrant dreams.

Forgotten dreams, hidden gems, brightening lights.


"A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams."

John Barrymore


Copyright © 2012. W.F.C (Rick) Baker. All Rights Reserved.