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The Magic of AHA!

by Rick Baker
On Jul 9, 2013

We all have AHA! Moments.

These are magical moments when things fall into place, when things feel right & good, and when we feel at least a little bit wiser. Sometimes the AHA! is large and we feel enlightened and much wiser. AHA! Moments are among the most-positive internal events in our lives. They are linked in intuition and to insight, both powerful and constructive activities that occur within our minds.

AHA! Moments are triumphant experiences. They help us get over hurdles. They provide better ways of doing things. They change paradigms. They energize us.

AHA! Moments change our lives for the better.

So, it makes sense that we should maximize the number of AHA! Moments we experience.

How might we do that?

How might we increase the number of AHA! Moments we experience?

Can we design ways to experience more AHA! Moments?

I have given this quite a lot of thought and I have concluded it would be very difficult and maybe even impossible for a person to design ways to self-experience more AHA! Moments. On the other hand, it is relatively easy to design ways to increase the number of AHA! Moments experienced by other people.  

Socrates knew this and he set up a question-method that guided his pupils and followers to AHA! Moments.

A series of designed questions - baby steps of thought & action coupled with the art of good questions - is just one way to help other people experience more AHA! Moments.

Idea-storming - a free-flow idea generation process - is another way.

Properly performed coaching - non-programmed, free-flow coaching - is another way.

The benefits of paving the path for more AHA! Moments for others [and encouraging others to do the same for you]...

Here are 3:

  1. More AHA! Moments mean more learning...self-improvement - the best kind of learning.
  2. More AHA! Moments mean higher levels of work satisfaction...a great way to attract and keep top-quality people.
  3. More AHA! Moments mean you can ease off on telling, which often brings resistance...instead of telling you help by guiding.

When you stop and think about it, why would you not make increasing people's AHA! Moments one of your highest priorities?

Enjoy the Magic of AHA!



Comments (1) -

7/10/2013 5:50:03 AM #

A-ha. Band from Sweden that my folks used to listen to.

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