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The Art of Recruiting - #1

by Rick Baker
On Aug 17, 2010
Recruiting is one of the purest forms of evangelism.
At least that’s what Guy Kawasaki says in his book, Reality Check.
Here’s a summary of some of Guy’s thoughts about – The Art of Recruiting
  • Ignore the irrelevant: don't be impressed by education that isn't of direct value 
  • Hire infected people: rather than limit tests to education and work experience...look for people who are infected with a love of your product 
  • Hire better than yourself: great people hire great people 
  • Double check your intuition: maybe do the first interview by phone so you are not unduly swayed by ‘gut feel’...ask all candidates the same questions and take copious notes so you have a base of objectivity 
  • Don't be afraid to issue a challenge: quality candidates will embrace challenges 
  • Check independent references: consider using LinkedIn, talk to former bosses, talk to former employees 
  • Apply the shopping centre test: if you saw this person in a shopping centre would you (1) go to him, (2) wait and see if you bump into him then talk, or (3) leave and go to a new shopping centre to make sure you don’t bump into him…if you didn’t choose (1) then don’t hire the person 
  • Use all your weapons to land the right candidate: people are motivated by more than money and share options 
  • Sell all the decision makers: spouses, etc 
  • Wait to compensate...use the offer letter as the last step, not an early step 
  • Don't assume your recruiting is done: you should not stop recruiting a person once the person is hired. 
Recruiting is one of the purest forms of evangelism.
More on the art of recruiting in future blogs…


Leaders' Thoughts

Comments (2) -

Rick Baker Canada
8/21/2010 5:33:17 PM #

Yes Guy. But, let's keep evangelism in perspective. The word evangelism, as you have used it, implies a 'zealous advocate'. And, as intelligent communicators tend to be passionate about their organizations, so should recruiters be passionate...and show some zeal. But their zeal must be kept within bounds. Often we have seen hiring managers paint too pretty a picture, over-selling the role and over-selling the company atmosphere. Over-selling  backfires. We want our evangelists to be sincere.

rick baker
8/13/2013 9:05:41 PM #

kokorogamae [koh-koh-roh-gah-my] mental attitude, readiness, preparation

“When Japanese corporations interview job applicants, the first thing they measure and judge in the candidates is their kokorogamae. If they do not have the “right attitude”, they will generally not be hired, regardless of how brilliant the candidates might be or how many skills they may have developed.”

Boyé Lafayette De Menthe
‘The Japanese Samurai Code’, (2004)

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