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Sticky SUCCESs

by Rick Baker
On Sep 28, 2010
There is no need to read on if the following apply to you:
  • You had to put in a new set of phones and a new set of internet lines to handle your recent avalanche of new Client business.
  • When you give instructions to your staff you are always surprised by how quickly the instructions are understood and followed to the letter.
OK, for those who face challenges like the ones I face…
Chip Heath and Dan Heath provide advice on how to improve the way we communicate our ideas.
http://www.madetostick.com a link to their book – ‘Made to Stick’
For the Heath brothers, communications succeed when they are Sticky.
Sticky messages = messages that are understandable, memorable, and effective in changing thought or behaviour
The Heath brothers provide a summary to help us remember their advice…
The Heath brothers’ Six Principles of Sticky communications:  SUCCESs
Simple: Sticky messages contain a core message, which is shared with an audience in a compact package
Unexpected: Sticky messages contain an unexpected element, which surprises the audience, makes them pay attention, holds their attention, and sustains their interest
Concrete: Sticky messages contain concrete details, not abstract concepts. This helps the audience understand and remember the message. And it allows people to bridge the gaps between their thinking.
Credible: Sticky messages cause people to agree and help people believe. Experts provide external credibility. Convincing details help the audience experience internal credibility.
Emotional: Sticky messages make people care. They appeal to us as individuals: they appeal to self-interest and they appeal to sense of identity.
Story: Sticky messages contain stories, which tell people how to act and give people the energy to act. Sticky messages inspire.
Whether we are leading, managing, supervising, marketing, selling, or working to persuade co-workers we can use the Sticky SUCCESs Checklist to test and improve our communications. [Sticky SUCCESs Checklist]
  1. We should use the Heath brothers’ Sticky SUCCESs Checklist as a filter when we consider marketing of Value Propositions [VALPRO] and Differential Advantages [DA]…i.e., this checklist is a very helpful guide to better TARMARVALPRODA communications.


Communication: Improving Communication | Marketing | Sales

Comments (5) -

rick baker
3/28/2012 10:23:39 PM #

"There is a sort of paradox in that the mind is extremely good at recognizing things and yet poor at noticing things. We recognize pictures and songs from tiny pieces. We notice the familiar things we are prepared to notice. And, very unusual things catch our attention. Things in between escape our notice."

Edward de Bono
'Water Logic', (1991)

rick baker
4/20/2012 10:22:54 PM #

"Do not try to talk about an incident in life without becoming part of it - without seeing it clearly and vividly."

Frank C. Haddock
'Power of Will', (1907)

rick baker
4/20/2012 10:50:09 PM #

“Only thoughts that breathe in words that burn can kindle the spark slumbering in the heart of another.”

Orison Swett Marden
‘Pushing to the Front’, (1911)

rick baker
5/19/2012 7:36:57 PM #

"It is a myth, not a mandate, a fable not a logic, and symbol rather than a reason by which men are moved."

Irwin Edman
American philosopher (1896-1954)

rick baker
7/2/2012 8:41:27 PM #

“Eye-tracking studies have shown that people increasingly tend to leapfrog over long blocks of text. We need bullet points, bold text, short sentences, explanatory subheads, and speedy text.”

John Freeman
‘The Tyranny of E-mail’, (2009)

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