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A CEO does only three things

by Rick Baker
On Feb 22, 2011
That’s what I read on a ‘scroll’ in my friend’s office last week.
My long-time friend, Rob Kirkby, founder of Energy Advantage, has a plaque standing a few feet from his desk and chair. The scroll on that plaque caught my attention. I asked if I could take a picture and write a Thought Post about it.
Rob agreed…
Here is the picture…taken with my BlackBerry
A CEO does only three things:
Obviously, I was in a bit of a rush…the picture is a bit fuzzy.
Here’s what the scroll says:
A CEO does only three things
Sets the overall vision and strategy of the company and communicates it to all stakeholders.
Recruits, hires, and retains the very best talent for the company.
Makes sure there is always enough cash in the bank.”
Business Leaders spend much time thinking about best practices. I know Rob is a very thoughtful fellow…there is no question he has spent much time thinking about best practices, including the best practices of his role - the CEO.
When I saw ‘Rob’s scroll’ my first two thoughts were about key success factors and vital signs for business performance. Key Success Factors are the very-most-important things we must get right in order to succeed in business. Vital Signs are our way of describing specific business tasks we must monitor if we are to achieve our Goals in order to succeed in business.
When I saw ‘Rob’s scroll’ it was clear Rob had decided key success factors and the daily vital activities for his CEO role. I say daily vital activities because Rob can not avoid seeing his scroll every day, every time he sits at his desk. So, his scroll stands as a constant reminder…Rob’s benchmark for action.
For me: ‘Rob’s scroll’ provided an excellent reminder about many things required for excellent Business Leadership… recognize what’s most important…keep it simple…monitor daily vitals…remind yourself…breed good habits…and lead by example.
Thanks for this great illustration of leadership, Rob!
A link to Energy Advantage’s website: www.energyadvantage.com


Entrepreneur Thinking

Comments (2) -

Greg Schott Canada
2/25/2011 10:18:03 AM #


Rob Kirkby's scroll has three very strong statements to guide a CEO's daily activity. However, I think there is one important area missing. A CEO must always be ready, willing and able to quickly make the right short-term decisions when their organization is suddenly thrust into a crisis.

Greg Schott
Schott Resolutions

Craig A Kocinski Australia
3/10/2011 8:17:39 PM #

Thanks Rick, I appreciate your sharing this with us. A clear idea of our most important goals/tasks is vital for success. Of course, as Greg suggests, there are other important areas that are necessary for a CEO to do, however I believe that they might just fall into subsections of 'Rob’s scroll'.
As a film producer, the most frequent question I get is, "what does a producer do". The simple answer is "everything needed to get a picture/film made". 'Rob’s scroll' could equally work for a producer if the word 'company' was replaced by 'film'.

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