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work at Work? or work at Home?

by Rick Baker
On Mar 16, 2011
On LinkedIn, a question was asked about the pros and cons of working at home versus working at work.
Here are some of my thoughts:
Excellence happens when people have the benefit of face-to-face interactions with other people: relatively few people achieve their full potential in isolation.
So, if it is an either/or decision then the answer is ‘workplace’.
For many roles, some tasks may actually be performed better in isolation…less interruptions. As the requirement for collaboration increases face-to-face interactions become increasingly necessary. This can, in part, be mitigated by video conferencing. But, that’s not as good as face-to-face discussion.
How to change work conditions to obtain a more home-like mindset?
That’s a great question.
Recently, a friend decided to build a new plant facility for his business. He went to each employee and asked them what they would like to see in the new building. Then, he included everything his people requested. The plant was awesome: lots of light, bright colours…and a squash court.
Now, everyone can not go that far.
But, the big lesson I learned was – Ask people what they want.
Ask with sincerity.
Follow through.


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