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One of those Synchronicities

by Rick Baker
On Apr 14, 2011
The other day I was returning to the office. As usual, I was listening to an educational CD book.
The CD book was 'The Spontaneous Healing of Belief' by Gregg Braden:
The author was describing a fellow named Konrad Zuse, a pioneer in the computing industry.
Apparently, at one point Konrad Zuse posed questions (something like), “Does the universe operate on the same principles as a computer?" and "Is our reality actually a simulation?"
Apparently, these questions were posed 50 or more years ago.
The author then mentioned these Konrad Zuse thoughts were a precursor to the 1999 movie "The Matrix".
I remember that movie, my memory is - my sons watched it over and over….and over.
While I was thinking about Konrad Zuse and the Matrix movie, I was in a Tim Horton’s drive thru line...about to order. So, I turned off the CD so I could place my coffee order.
After my order was placed I returned to thinking about the movie "The Matrix". I was deep in thought and forgot to pull ahead...I looked up at the car in front of me and was amazed to see its model name - Matrix. It was a Toyota Matrix.
I was captured by the synchronicity so I took a picture of the car in front of me…here it is [with the licence number blacked out]:
Then I got my coffee and headed to the office.
Synchronicities always slow me down.
And I talk about them…this time with Robin.
Robin suggested I look at what I was holding in my hand.
I did that.
Here is what I saw…
When that happened I was really paying attention to this synchronicity.
So I started to tell Cecil my Matrix-synchronicity story.
As I started to tell the story Cecil warned me the Matrix-synchronicity wasn’t over…
When I finished telling him my story he told me he had bought a copy of the Matrix movie the night before I had my Matrix-synchronicity.
So…what do you figure all that means!
PS: do any of you know…
Is the universe a massive computer-program-generated simulation…like in that Matrix movie?


Beyond Business

Comments (1) -

John A. Goodman
10/21/2012 9:03:21 PM #

You post quite was made quite a while ago.  Sorry, not sure if I am reading too late to comment.

Is the universe a massive computer simulation?  I don't think so.  I think synchronicity is built into the system, but is more reflective of a principle, or law, than a machine.  Events are shaped, maybe even brought about by their meaning.  This can happen at the moment of your experience, as in your Matrix synchronicities, or it can take place over time, divided by natural divisions of time (the Ancient Greeks said all is arranged according to number).  I've studied sacred geometry of the markets for many years.  Perfect order occurs all the time.  But that doesn't mean perfect prediction.  Perfect order has options.  Mankind has free will, otherwise God went to a lot of trouble for nothing.


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