The other day I was returning to the office. As usual, I was listening to an educational CD book.
The CD book was 'The Spontaneous Healing of Belief' by Gregg Braden:
The author was describing a fellow named
Konrad Zuse, a pioneer in the computing industry.
Apparently, at one point Konrad Zuse posed questions (something like), “Does the universe operate on the same principles as a computer?" and "Is our reality actually a simulation?"
Apparently, these questions were posed 50 or more years ago.
The author then mentioned these Konrad Zuse thoughts were a precursor to the 1999 movie "
The Matrix".
I remember that movie, my memory is - my sons watched it over and over….and over.
While I was thinking about Konrad Zuse and the Matrix movie, I was in a Tim Horton’s drive thru line...about to order. So, I turned off the CD so I could place my coffee order.
After my order was placed I returned to thinking about the movie "The Matrix". I was deep in thought and forgot to pull ahead...I looked up at the car in front of me and was amazed to see its model name - Matrix. It was a Toyota Matrix.
I was captured by the synchronicity so I took a picture of the car in front of me…here it is [with the licence number blacked out]:
Then I got my coffee and headed to the office.
Synchronicities always slow me down.
And I talk about them…this time with Robin.
Robin suggested I look at what I was holding in my hand.
I did that.
Here is what I saw…
When that happened I was really paying attention to this synchronicity.
So I started to tell Cecil my Matrix-synchronicity story.
As I started to tell the story Cecil warned me the Matrix-synchronicity wasn’t over…
When I finished telling him my story he told me he had bought a copy of the Matrix movie the night before I had my Matrix-synchronicity.
So…what do you figure all that means!
PS: do any of you know…
Is the universe a massive computer-program-generated simulation…like in that Matrix movie?