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Strategic Planning – Why Bother!

by Rick Baker
On May 6, 2011
Strategic Planning does not have to be an annoying, frustrating, waste of time!
Strategic Planning does not have to be a ‘necessary evil’!
I don't think people object to the idea of planning. However, I do think many people are turned off when we use that 2-word combination - Strategic Planning.
I suspect many people have had negative planning experiences including:
  • They planned the work then failed to succeed when they implemented the plan.
  • They hated the planning process because it was boring or bureaucratic or too slowly paced.
  • They were frustrated by the planning process because it took away time they needed to handle important day-to-day work or perhaps even time they needed to handle an emergency.
Strategic Planning has left bad tastes in people's mouths.
We all are in agreement. Many of us have participated in strategic planning efforts, which have failed.
So, when it comes to strategic planning - Why Bother?            
Here’s why…
  • The strategic planning process is the vehicle for important communication…absolutely critical if businesses are to have a competitive advantage…let alone sustain a competitive advantage.
  • Strategic planning does not have to be frustrating, boring, or in any way an unpleasant process. Certainly, there are necessary ingredients that, if not properly packaged, can be boring or bureaucratic. The key is – better packaging of the strategic planning ingredients. The process can be entertaining, enjoyable, provocative…even inspiring and motivating!  You simply need to make sure your process is refreshing. When the process is refreshing you and your people will be invigorated by the time spent together creating your future business success.
  • The strategic planning process does not have to be time-consuming. Sure, it will take some time. Here’s a hint: you should do the most-important things first. Another hint: focus on Strengths. When constructed properly the planning process builds upon itself…in an inspiring way.
Another thought…
Many of us volunteer considerable time to community and charitable service. Much of that service is dedicated to planning…planning committees, planning events, planning speakers, planning fundraising, planning celebrations, etc. While some of these contributions compete with the time we need for our work interests, we nonetheless freely volunteer our time… to do planning work. We choose to volunteer time for strategic planning because we know it is essential for community and charitable success. We must make the same choice if we desire sustained business success.


Business Plan: Writing Plans | Leaders' Thoughts

Comments (10) -

rick baker
3/28/2012 8:09:16 PM #

"Why should you do strategic planning?

1. Strategic thinking simplifies the difficult
2. Strategic planning prompts you to ask the right questions
3. Strategic planning prompts customization
4. Strategic thinking today prepares you for an uncertain tomorrow
5. Strategic thinking reduces the margin of error
6. Strategic thinking gives you influence with others"

John C. Maxwell
'How Successful People Think - Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life', (2009)

rick baker
4/21/2012 6:58:05 PM #

"When we form a plan for any business, any invention, any undertaking, we are making something of that unseen element, our thought, as real, though unseen, as any machine or iron or wood. That plan or thought begins, as soon as made, to draw to itself, in more unseen elements, power to carry itself out, power to materialize itself in physical or visible substance."

Prentice Mulford
'Thoughts are Things", (1889)

rick baker
4/28/2012 10:29:02 PM #

"Control starts with planning. Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it now."

Alan Lakein
'How To Get Control of Your Time and Your Life', (1973)

Strategic planning services
7/26/2012 2:47:07 PM #

I think strategic plannings are useful because when we have a plan for doing any work, so we calculate every parameter regarding our work.And we have solutions for conditions if something is going wrong. So we need strategic planning for successfully completion of work.

rick baker
12/29/2012 5:46:49 PM #

"Experience has taught me, in so many ways, that spelling out and doing deliberately what seems obvious and easy makes a huge difference."

"So there is value in laying out the action plan."

Edward de Bono
'Teach Yourself To Think', 1995

rick baker
8/12/2013 11:34:46 PM #

"Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe."

Abraham Lincoln

rick baker
8/13/2013 9:22:55 PM #

"Before everything else, getting ready is the secret of success."

Henry Ford
American Industrialist, (1863–1947)

rick baker
8/14/2013 10:31:04 PM #

"You were born to win, but to be a winner, you must plan to win, prepare to win, and expect to win."

Zig Ziglar
American Author, Salesman, & Motivational Speaker, (1926-2012)

rick baker
9/24/2015 1:42:53 PM #

“When we are sure that we are on the right road there is no need to plan our journey too far ahead. No need to burden ourselves with doubts and fears as to the obstacles that may bar our progress. We cannot take more than one step at a time.”

Orison Swett Marden

rick baker
12/12/2015 5:26:58 PM #

"It's not the will to win, but the will to prepare to win that makes the difference."

Paul "Bear" Bryant
American Football Coach, (1913-1983)

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