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Our Changing Brains

by Rick Baker
On Jul 19, 2011
Here’s what I think...
  • When we behave [take action], our behaviour alters our brain…maybe only a little, maybe much more than a little…depending on the situation...and the nature of our behaviour [our action].
  • When we think, our thoughts alter our brain… maybe only a little, maybe much more than a little…depending on the situation around and the nature of our thoughts…probably, also depending on the strength of the emotions/feelings we are experiencing at the time we are thinking.
  • When we are not consciously behaving or thinking [for example, when we are asleep] things happen inside us that alter our brain… maybe only a little, maybe more than a little…likely, these changes are minor but they build over time. For example, brain-things likely happen during our sleep to place experiences of the day into our ‘memory bank’.
Considering the fact we are thinking and behaving 100% of the time we are conscious and we are not conscious the rest of our living hours…
I am saying our brain is constantly changing…physically…maybe a little, maybe much more than a little…but always at least a little.
I recognize this has not been verified empirically…i.e., it is not proven.
It seems to me this is just common sense.
While many people have said our brains are like computers I do not agree with that. Our brains have wiring, connections, and on-off switches like computers. Maybe once they are established most or maybe all of the connections are unchangeable. Maybe some of the brain wires are unchangeable. Regardless, the brain wires are replacing themselves, and growing, and moving around and the connections are multiplying/popping up in new places and dying/ceasing activity in some places. And, the switches are doing that too.
On a macro scale the brain is changing slowly unless there is a catastrophe like a stroke.
On a micro scale the little pieces of stuff in the brain are in a constant state of flux…ebbing and flowing with our thoughts, our behaviour, and all the mysterious workings of our subconscious.
Certain behaviours and thoughts align with Good Work Habits. The more of these behaviours and thoughts we do/have the more we will self-inflict brain changes aligned with Good Work Habits…as described in the Napoleon Hill classic ‘Think and Grow Rich’. [Note: I do not recall Napoleon Hill ever indicating the brain itself changed. Rather, he said our thoughts resonated and connected with “Universal Intelligence”.]
Certain behaviours and thoughts align with Bad Work Habits. The less of these behaviours and thoughts we do/have the less we will self-inflict brain changes aligned with Bad Work Habits. As in – Don’t Think and Don’t Grow Poor’.
The truly great news is recent scientific developments have provided much new evidence to illustrate/suggest the above is more than just directionally correct.
While many have said Think and Grow Rich is a nice little motivational book, recent scientific developments are illustrating/suggesting the book contains ‘the secret’ – as in the book, ‘The Secret’ - to successful business [and life].
Recent scientific developments are beginning to validate the fact business people who desire riches can get them using a Think and Grow Rich process. This validation will help business people understand how simple actions [New Work Things] can generate material people changes and those people changes can generate profitable business.

Comments (2) -

2/12/2012 6:51:15 PM #

"Your mind is but a conductor."

"Use that conductor, and you will improve its conductivity."

Robert Collier, 'The Secret of the Ages', (1926)

rick baker
2/16/2012 3:37:38 PM #

"Every thought is an exquisitely choreographed dance."

Deepak Chopra
'The Soul of Leadership', (2010)

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