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A Note to Leaders: About What Followers Want

by Rick Baker
On Sep 6, 2011
After talking with numerous people at numerous local places of business, we have learned…
What followers want is, in this order:
  1. To feel confident
  2. To have a confident leader
It is the leader’s job to optimize these two things.
The second one – leader’s confidence – is a double-edged sword. If it is not carefully real and controlled leader’s confidence then it will cut deep into the first. And, the damage can be irreparable.
How does a leader maximize her confidence without going too far?
How does a leader illustrate his confidence without going to far?
How do leaders make sure their confidence is non-threatening to the self-confidence levels of followers?
Here are some Spirited Leaders’ suggestions:
  • The leader must be authentic…it is OK to be on the reserved side of center if that is your character…it is OK to be on the boisterous side if that is your character
  • The leader must be committed to working on self…i.e., raising his or her own self-confidence when that is required, as it will be from time to time
  • A leader must focus on strengths: personal strengths and the strengths possessed by others
  • The leader must praise heartily…as taught by Dale Carnegie
  • The leader must make full use of humour…some leaders have just a little of it and will need to remind themselves of the importance of putting it to good use…other leaders will heavy doses of it and they will need to remind themselves to never let it go too far…self-humour is best…humour directed at others is a leadership no-no
  • The leader must listen…resurrect that art if it has become lost
  • The leader must learn to master emotions…and keep them under control [most of the time]
  • The leader must live with Integrity…as defined below
Definition of Integrity
  1. When you know your personal values and
  2. When you can express your personal values in writing [showing how you think the think] and
  3. When you can talk with others about your personal values [talk the talk] and
  4. When your actions are consistent with your personal values [walk the walk]
  5. When the heat is on and stresses are high you do your best to run the run and
  6. When you make errors as you talk-walk-run you admit them and you strive to not repeat them
…then you have Integrity.


Spirited Leaders

Comments (1) -

rick baker
11/25/2012 7:51:13 PM #

"People ask the difference between a leader and a boss. The leader leads, and the boss drives."

Theodore Roosevelt

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