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Thought Tweet #361

by Rick Baker
On Dec 5, 2011
Thought Tweet #361 MONEY - what's it mean? It means freedom; and if you earned the money then it may also mean self-discipline.
The Thinking Behind the Sales Tweet
The other day, a discussion of that question arose during one of our meetings. It seems to me money is a major thing in our society. Almost everybody wants more of it. Most people want things that money can buy more than they want the money itself. Some people want the money itself…stored away somewhere as security. Some other folks spend money before they get it. It seems to me money means freedom. Certainly, if you believe you have more money than you need then money brings freedom. If you have more money than you need you have choices: keeping it in a secure place, buying stuff, giving it away, working, playing, learning...whatever you choose.


Beyond Business | Thought Tweets

Comments (2) -

rick baker
8/13/2013 9:30:41 PM #

"If money is your hope for independence you will never have it. The only real security that a man will have in this world is a reserve of knowledge, experience, and ability."

Henry Ford
American Industrialist, (1863–1947)

rick baker
8/14/2013 10:25:41 PM #

"Money isn't the most important thing in life, but it's reasonably close to oxygen on the "gotta have it" scale."

Zig Ziglar
American Author, Salesman, & Motivational Speaker, (1926-2012)

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