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How much must YOU CHANGE to realize your dreams?

by Rick Baker
On Dec 8, 2011

You probably will not read the words in this sentence if:

  1. you don't dream about achieving
  2. you think change is overrated or 
  3. you think you are incapable of making personal changes.
It is times like this I wish I was the most-gifted writer...then you would still be reading and wanting to read more.
However, the reality is there are more people who 'turn off' to this topic than people who 'tune in' to this topic...let's call the business people who do not dream of achievement or embrace change with an open mind the Unchanging Majority.
Hopefully, you have less than the normal share of Unchanging Majority people at your business. 
Regardless, you will have some of them. That's not 'bad news', it is just a fact. And, it is a fact you can deal with. You simply need to recognize people are different. Some people, due to past events dating back perhaps as far as the day they were born, for a huge range of reasons, do not dream of business achievement and do not embrace personal or business change with an open mind.
Is this a material problem for you?
You can get a better handle on the extent of the problem by rating yourself and rating others, using a Minus10-to-Plus10 Scale
Rate yourself in 3 areas:
  1. How vivid are my business dreams and how strong is my desire to achieve them?
  2. How important is it for me to make personal changes for the better?
  3. How willing am I to do the tough work of creating new Good Habits

Rate your people, one by one, in the same 3 areas.
Compare yourself to your people...check out the gaps.
Consider the significance, the broad implications, of your Good Habits!

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