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When I think about the future...

by Rick Baker
On Dec 9, 2011

I was listening to 'Keys to Success' when the following picture popped into my head:


  I like It I don't like it
I see    
I don't see    


In 'Keys to Success', Napoleon Hill was asking his readers/students questions like:

  • Where are you going?
  • How strong is your desire to get there?
  • What changes are you making to ensure you get there?
These are straightforward-enough questions.
And, straightforward-enough does not necessarily mean easy enough or simple enough.
One of the things we have noticed when we help people with Vision statements is: most people experience some difficulty. This is absolutely normal. About 19 out of 20 people experience difficulty describing in vivid detail the future they would like to live. For many people, it is difficult to be concrete about the future. After all, when it gets right down to it nobody can predict the future. On the other hand, most people have desires, wants, and needs. Often, those needs are strong, embedded, life-long needs. And, everyone has some level of imagination. Imagination exists in us. Why, it even works while we are asleep - creating various types of dreams...some quite fantastic. Yet, when it comes to people picturing their future, most people have difficulty. To help them, we have designed 1-Page Tools. for example, here is a link to one VISION: 1-Page Tool
The picture above forms the basis for another 1-Page Tool...a simpler tool, which will help people who need help to get into the swing of visioning, envisioning, contemplating, and finally holding a Vivid Vision of their desired future, firmly in their minds. In relative terms, it should be easier to start by considering the near-term future...say tomorrow.
When you think about what you expect to live through tomorrow:
  • What do you see happening?
  • What don't you see happening?
How do you feel about those things you expect to happen and those things you expect will not happen tomorrow:
  • Do you like them?
  • Do you dislike them?
Use the results to help your imagination take baby steps farther and farther into the future.
Then you can answer those important questions:
  • Where are you going?
  • How strong is your desire to get there?
  • What changes are you making to ensure you get there?


1-Page Tools | Change: Creating Positive Change | Vision: The Leader's Vivid Vision

Comments (1) -

rick baker
11/24/2013 10:59:20 AM #

“Your nervous system cannot tell the difference between an imagined experience and a ‘real’ experience.”

Maxwell Maltz,
'Psycho-Cybernetics, A New Way to Get More Living Out of Life', (1960)

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