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Tonic for Toxic Business

by Rick Baker
On Dec 16, 2011

Business Contains Only 3 Things: People, Process, & Situations.

When People are doing Processes in Situations - when People are doing business - the business culture can be described as:

  • as good as it gets
  • good
  • satisfactory
  • bad
  • as bad as it gets
A survey of business people, regular 'normal' folks, confirms:
Given a choice of work culture most people would choose 'as good as it gets' or 'good' or, at least, 'satisfactory'.
I would like to feel comfortable when I am working.
I would like to feel positive about my work environment.
I would like to enjoy my work environment.
I would like to be enthusiastic about my work environment.
I would like to be passionate about my work.
People say things like that.
People do not say things like...
I want to feel uncomfortable when I am at work.
I want my blood pressure to hit all-time highs every single workday.
I get a kick out of arguing with co-workers.
I like it when my boss takes a big strip off my hide...that's the way to keep me on track.
Hating the thought of another workday...that's what turns my crank.
Regardless, many business people struggle in a negative work culture every single workday.
Sometimes the work environment becomes so negative people become toxic. People become poisonous. Some people become infectious. And, sometimes work cultures become unhealthy. 
When work environments become unhealthy people have choices:
  • complain, which feeds spreads the problem
  • be silent, ignoring the unhealthy culture and doing nothing to address it
  • depart...either quit or fire people in an effort to ablate the unhealthy parts, much like a surgeon does
  • make constructive changes
Constructive Change means Constructive People Change, which means Individual People making Constructive Changes by removing Bad Habits and adding Good Habits. And, it means Individual People sharing stories about and celebrating the arrival and spread of new Good Habits.
Carefully planned new Actions are the keys to change...new Actions are the tonic!

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