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How to Build Self-Confidence - #1

by Rick Baker
On Feb 1, 2012

This is the first in a series of Thought Posts about building self-confidence.

To get started, here is our definition of self-confidence:

Confidence is what you feel when you believe you have what it takes to excel, do well, or at least handle the task and situation at hand

Now, here are some facts about Confidence:

  • each of us has Confidence, at least some of the time
  • our Confidence levels ebbs and flows
  • many factors influence our Confidence: situations, other people's actions, amount of sleep
And, of course, a healthy level of Confidence is a very good thing.
So, how might we build Confidence
First, let's check out some advice from experts.
Today, we will start that process with Jack Canfield's Six Confidence-Building Strategies 
  1. Every day remind yourself that you did some things well. Give yourself a mental pep talk at the beginning and the end of the day.
  2. Read inspiring biographies and autobiographies: build a file of the stories that inspire you most.
  3. Be thankful. Focus on the benefits you enjoy.
  4. Build excellent support around you. Excellent relationships will boost you.
  5. Push yourself to accomplish short-term goals. Get things done.
  6. Do something for yourself every week. Celebrate your accomplishments.
What about Jack Canfield's 2nd recommendation: read inspiring biographies and read stories that inspire you?
Do you do that?
There is no question, Spirited Leaders do that. I imagine Spirited Leaders have always done that...from sitting around campfires listening to the elders and chiefs tell their stories to reading about Mahatma Gandhi or Alexander the Great to watching inspiring movies.
Great Leaders study the lives, the successes, and the defeats, of other great Leaders. They do this for several reasons. They do this to inspire themselves. They also do this to learn. Knowledge is a key to Strength and Strength is a key to Self-Knowledge and Self-Confidence.

Comments (5) -

rick baker
3/25/2012 7:23:28 PM #

“No matter how great the ability, how large the genius, or how splendid the education, the achievement will never rise higher than the confidence.”

Orison Swett Marden
'Pushing to the Front', (1911)

rick baker
4/23/2012 9:42:45 PM #

"Internally based confidence means that you always get into the game believing you're the best, regardless of how well anyone else is doing."

Dr. Doug Hirschhorn
'8 Ways to Great', (2010)

rick baker
7/27/2013 12:17:00 PM #

"Our self-confidence faces its greatest challenge when situations are accepted as beyond our control."

Wess Roberts
'Leadership Secrets of Attila The Hun' (1985/2009 audio)

rick baker
4/17/2014 11:16:55 PM #

"Confidence is that feeling by which the mind embarks in great and honorable courses with a sure hope and trust in itself."

Marcus Tullius Cicero
Roman Politician & Philosopher, 106BCE-43BCE

rick baker
5/1/2014 9:10:22 PM #

"Self-criticism is one of the most common obstacles to great performance in any field. It's often called the silent killer of business because so many executives suffer from it yet so few dare to speak about it."

Olivia Fox Cabane
'The Charisma Myth' (2012)

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