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Getting Present

by Rick Baker
On Feb 17, 2012

Often, we start meetings with a 'getting present' chat. Either we take turns answering a non-business question or sharing with one another how we feel...personal, but not intrusive.

We find getting present questions are a great way to start group sessions and workshops.

Getting present questions:

  • help People get comfortable
  • help People with one another connect
  • help People focus
All of these are very important things to do.
Why is it important to help People get comfortable?
Why is it important to help People connect with one another?
Answer: Some People are natural Connectors. Most People are not; most People benefit when Situations allow them to relax and exchange warm-up communication. 
Why is it important to help People focus?
Answer: Most People find it tough to concentrate; most People spend a lot of time thinking about the past, for example - the last task they were working on; most People spend a lot of time thinking about the future, for example - the work they will complete later in the day; few People are able to concentrate and Focus on the present. 
So, Leaders must help People be comfortable, get connected, and get Focused.
Tactics like getting present questions help Leaders get this important work done.
Leaders can obtain quick & straightforward help in these areas.
For example, if you want to understand more about 'getting present' and 'focusing on Now', check out:

Comments (10) -

Stefan Wiesen
2/17/2012 1:50:39 PM #

Nice to read what should be common sense.

rick baker
4/20/2012 10:44:17 PM #

“Do not brood over the past, or dream of the future, but seize the instant and get your lesson from the hour.”

Orison Swett Marden
‘Pushing to the Front’, (1911)

rick baker
2/3/2013 9:41:14 PM #

"We don't want tradition. We want to live in the present and the only history that is worth a tinker's dam is the history we make today."

Henry Ford

rick baker
2/3/2013 9:52:40 PM #

"Don't live in the past, don't ponder about the future, stay at the PRESENT moment NOW...always."

Mark Twain

rick baker
11/24/2013 11:14:12 AM #

Live in the present. The past is gone; the future is unknown -- but the present is real, and your opportunities are now. You must see these opportunities; they must be real for you. The catch is that they can't seem real if your mind is buried in past failures, if you keep reliving old mistakes, old guilts, old tragedies. Fight your way above the many inevitable traumatizations of your ego, escape damnation by the past, and look to the opportunities of the present. I don't mean some vague moment in the present -- next week or next month, perhaps. I mean today, this minute.

Maxwell Maltz,
American Cosmetic Surgeon and Author [PsychoCybernetics, 1960]

rick baker
12/1/2013 10:51:16 PM #

"Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment."


rick baker
12/1/2013 10:56:33 PM #

"People don't realize that now is all there ever is; there is no past or future except as memory or anticipation in your mind."

Eckhart Tolle

rick baker
12/7/2013 4:09:35 PM #

"Genius is the ability to focus on the issue at hand."

Zig Ziglar

rick baker
8/1/2014 6:22:14 PM #

“To perceive the world differently, we must be willing to change our belief system, let the past slip away, expand our sense of now, and dissolve the fear in our minds.”

William James

rick baker
12/8/2015 3:53:21 PM #

“True happiness is to enjoy the present, without anxious dependence upon the future, not to amuse ourselves with either hopes or fears but to rest satisfied with what we have, which is sufficient, for he that is so wants nothing. The greatest blessings of mankind are within us and within our reach. A wise man is content with his lot, whatever it may be, without wishing for what he has not.”

Roman Statesman & Philosopher
(circa 4 BC - 65 AD)

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