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About Napoleon Bonaparte and the 'thought-force'

by Rick Baker
On Feb 23, 2012

About Napoleon and the thought-force

"Napoleon's army is in the East. The plague is beginning to make inroads into its ranks. Long lines of men are lying in cots and on the ground in an open space adjoining the army. Fear has taken a vital hold of all, and the men are continually being stricken. Look yonder: contrary to the earnest entreaties of his officers, who tell him that such exposure will mean sure death, Napoleon with a calm and dauntless look upon his face, with a firm and defiant step, is coming through these plague-stricken ranks. He is going up to, talking with, touching the men: and, as they see him, there goes up a mighty shout, - The Emperor! the Emperor! and from that hour the plague in its inroads is stopped. A marvelous example of the power of a man who, by his own dauntless courage, absolute fearlessness, and power of mind, could send out such forces that they in turn awakened kindred forces in the minds of thousands of others, which in turn dominate their very bodies, so that the plague, and even death itself, is driven from the field. One of the grandest examples of a man of the most mighty and tremendous mind and will power, and at the same time an example of one of the grandest failures, taking life in its totality, the world has ever seen."


From Ralph Waldo Trine’s ‘This Mystical Life of Ours’ (1919 edition)


Attitude: Creating Positive Attitude | Hero Worship

Comments (2) -

rick baker
9/12/2015 2:05:51 PM #

"Give me," said Napoleon, "a man with a large allowance of nose. In my observations of men I have almost invariably found a long nose and a long head go together."

reported by Frank Channing Haddock in his classic 'Power of Will', (1910)

rick baker
9/3/2016 12:55:26 PM #

"His tricks were many, their sum spelled unexcelled leadership."

Robert Asprey,
'The Reign of Napoleon Bonaparte', (2001)

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