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CHANGING FOR THE BETTER: Good Habits, Bad Habits, & New Things - #14

by Rick Baker
On Mar 27, 2012

"Life is a repetition of the same things over again."

"Life is ceaseless reiteration."

James Allen wrote those sentences 100 years ago.

He did not say these things as a complaint: they were observations.

He did not say these things in resignation; they were explanations.

Allen explained why people are the way they are so he could go on to help them make changes for the better

Below is one example, which shows how Allen approached changing for the better and how he helped other people change for the better. It is an illustration of step-by-step thoughts about change. Step-by-step, often in baby steps rather than giant leaps...that's the correct way to approach change.

Here is how Allen described the 5 Stages in Regeneration:1


  1. Reflection: Deep and earnest thought on the nature and meaning of life.
  2. Introspection: Looking inwardly for the causes and effects which operate in life.
  3. Self-analysis: Searching the springs of thought and purifying the motives in order to find the truth of life.
  4. Meditation: Pure and discriminative thought on the facts and principles of life.
  5. Pure Perception: Insight. Direct knowledge of the laws of life.
Of course, Allen's aim here is spiritual - 'Enlightenment'. That aim will appeal to some. It will not appeal to others.
The 5 Stages of Regeneration parallel the stages needed to make any change for the better
To make changes for the better you must:
  • reflect on what you are trying to accomplish in your role
  • perform introspection, recognizing you sow the seeds of the things you reap
  • self-analyse, to understand why you do the things you do
  • think in an orderly and focused way
  • work to perceive accurately and objectively, rather than with bias and judgment
  1. Source: 'The Shining Gateway', published in 1915 - 3 years after Allen's passing


Change: Creating Positive Change | Habits: Good Habits, Bad Habits, & New Things

Comments (2) -

rick baker
3/28/2012 9:12:29 PM #

"We can, for example, introvert periodically to examine our own bodily and psychological reactions to change, briefly tuning out the external environment to evaluate our inner environment. This is not a matter of wallowing in subjectivity, but of cooly appraising our own performance."

Alvin Toffler
'Future Shock', (1970)

rick baker
5/12/2012 11:12:41 PM #

“Out of hundreds of replies from successful men as to probable cause of failure, “bad habits” was in almost every one.”

Orison Swett Marden
‘Pushing to the Front’, (1911)

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