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Thought Tweet #471

by Rick Baker
On May 7, 2012

Thought Tweet #471 Better to be stuck on sticky problems than to be burned by fire-fighting.


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

In business, we need to save our brainpower for innovative and creative work. When we fire-fight those daily fires, we remove our ability to excel at problem-solving and opportunity-capturing. This is especially so if our ongoing fires generate emotional heat, which they often do. When we fight fires we get burned at least 2 ways: (1) we burn energy in our brains that could be used to fuel better-caliber thinking and (2) we burn time that could be spent on better-caliber work or other important activity. This is confirmed by the 80/20 Rule. It is at the root of ancient wisdom, "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure".


80/20 Rule | Brain: about the Human Brain | Thought Tweets | Wisdom: Surviving the Test of Time

Comments (1) -

Keith Tindall
5/7/2012 8:56:29 AM #

Tweet # 471

Rick that is so true and continually fighting fires can deflect the a whole organization from the business and what it set out to do orginally - it can become a pattern - l always ask the question what will be different tomorrow from today - rarely does it ever prompt a solution because todays crisis "fighting fires" is being dealt with today and tomorrow will be dealt with tommorrow.....

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