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Let's push off these economic doldrums

by Rick Baker
On Jul 26, 2012

When people talk to me about the economy, I repeatedly hear comments like:

  • times are still tough
  • people are hesitant to spend
  • people are waiting for signs

Let's push off these economic doldrums.

Let's work together to create a list of the ways we can do our individual parts to push off these economic doldrums.

Here's a start...

  1. Buy something: if you've been worried about the future and avoiding spending, cut the future some slack and buy that thing you want now. After all, nobody can predict the future so why believe you can predict it will be a continuation of tough times.
  2. Sell something: I mean, sell something in a new way. Prove to yourself that selling things your old way will not plant seeds for a better future. Get excited about the prospect of a bright future and help a buyer share that excited mindset.
  3. Stop thinking and talking about how tough things are going to be and start imagining and talking about a bright future. Start sharing business success stories...even if they are small ones.
  4. Work at improving at work. If striving for excellence is too big a leap then strive for betterness...doing little tasks a little better.
  5. Mentor a salesperson: mentor a sales co-worker or mentor a sales friend or volunteer to mentor a sales person from another company. Help generate better sales techniques.
  6. Mentor a buyer or purchasing agent: mentor a buyer/co-worker or mentor a buyer-friend or volunteer to mentor a buyer from another company. Help generate better purchasing techniques.
What would you add to the list?


Attitude: Creating Positive Attitude | Leaders' Thoughts

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