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Achieving Business Goals

by Rick Baker
On Oct 3, 2012

Your senior people have talents and business strengths. To the extent their jobs and workplace environment allow, they will use those strengths. To the extent they have knowledge and they practise skills, their personal strengths will generate desired, positive business results in the form of money well earned, money well spent, and fair money-profit on time, talents, and personal strengths 'invested'.

Business goals are achieved when individuals use personal strengths and combine those strengths with other people's strengths in a manner that both:

  • allows people to maximize the time they spend working in areas aligned with their talents and strengths and 
  • allows people to minimize the time they spend working in areas of personal weakness. 

In addition, and this is essential, business goals are achieved when people find the way to work together, with a level of harmony, and function as a winning team.

Winning teams:

  • have specialists, people with specific talents and strengths [for example, hockey teams have goalies]
  • have leaders [for example, hockey teams have captains]
  • have coaches and plans, where individual talents and strengths are meshed together to perform in specific situations [for example, hockey teams have penalty-killing units]
  • have discipline and rules, exhibited by the individuals and often mirrored in team image [for example, hockey teams use curfews]
  • learn from studying real-life action [for example, hockey teams study game tapes]
  • practice, practice, practice


Goals - SMARTACRE Goals

Comments (1) -

rick baker
12/12/2015 4:28:22 PM #

"We are built to conquer environment, solve problems, achieve goals, and we find no real satisfaction or happiness in life without obstacles to conquer and goals to achieve."

Maxwell Maltz

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