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Thought Tweet #632

by Rick Baker
On Dec 18, 2012

Thought Tweet #632 When people are annoyed by the pressure of setting goals, don't fight against the flow - help them make predictions.


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Some people, perhaps many people, are annoyed by the pressure of setting goals. Many people, if not most people, love to learn about and make predictions. There is little to be gained by fighting against the flow. Rather than fighting against the flow, [at least to some degree] Leaders and managers can seek middle ground and help their people make predictions.

People love to make predictions...and People will embrace the predictions they make.

Examples of predictions people love to make and learn about:

  • bets on sports games
  • weather predictions, especially "Ground Hog Day"
  • stock market investments
  • Nostradamus predictions
Why not add business predictions to the list!


Goals - SMARTACRE Goals | Thought Tweets

Comments (1) -

rick baker
12/1/2013 10:57:59 PM #

"In the future, instead of striving to be right at a high cost, it will be more appropriate to be flexible and plural at a lower cost. If you cannot accurately predict the future then you must flexibly be prepared to deal with various possible futures."

Edward de Bono

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