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Are leaders born or created?

by Rick Baker
On Mar 7, 2013


The flavour is similar to that of the question, "Is it heredity or environment?"

Based on my observations, obviously not scientific, it seems the right ratio is about 50-50. 50% of the qualities of a leader are there at birth; 50% of the qualities of a leader are created through life experiences. If a person has natural-born leadership qualities but is never given the opportunity to use leadership talents then we will never know that person as a leader. If a person possesses natural-born leadership qualities and those leadership qualities are recognized as talents, enhanced with knowledge, and honed with skills then that person, given opportunity or taking opportunity, becomes a leader.

Some folks are born with the right stuff for leadership, which [if boiled down enough] can be summed up in 3 words: intelligence, drive & self-control.

Some of those folks are able to put those qualities to use.

Some folks are not able to put those qualities to use.

Other folks who possess bare-minimum natural-born leadership qualities can learn to be successful leaders if they have ambition and good ‘guides’ & opportunities to learn from leaders [especially, in early life]. 

Maintaining leadership capability requires constant self-and-character development, otherwise it is lost.

Sometimes, dormant leadership capabilities are ignited into full force by exceptional circumstances and crises. This is rare, but it happens.


Born Leader?


Leaders' Thoughts | STRENGTHS: People-Focused for Success

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