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Thought Tweet #691

by Rick Baker
On Mar 11, 2013

Thought Tweet #691 Leaders - we cannot hand over our precious time or energy to business bullies.



The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Unfortunately, business bullies tend to grow like weeds in the garden. If they are allowed to get too big they become prickly, they choke the flowers, and they sour the garden.

Leaders cannot allow that.

And, unfortunately, most business bullies are unwilling to change...without leadership-help. And, that leadership-help must be aggressive or else it will not be taken seriously by the bully. Generally, it is unwise to cross the line between assertiveness and aggression. Regardless, it is the route leaders must take when dealing with business bullies.

It takes leadership strength to deliver leadership-help to business bullies.


Bullies are a cocky bunch...that's one of the signature traits shared by all business bullies.

As examples...

Closet Bully: someone that self-disguises and plays a fake role in business...and acts cocky while role playing

Parasitic Bully: someone that resembles a biological parasite in dependence on someone else's business for existence or support without making a useful or adequate return...and acts cocky while doing [actually, not doing] that


Business bullies are asking for iron-fist assertive leadership.

They are crying out for it.

Take care though - you must deliver it to business bullies properly.

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